Monday, December 6, 2021

a bit nervous

  I heard on the news that Biden is going to have a video conference with Putin. This discussion is supposed to center on the buildup of Russians troops on the border of Ukraine. Rumor has it that Russia intends to invade. Biden is going to issue a strong warning to Putin regarding those intentions. Strangely I haven't heard any cries that Biden is going to get us in a war! Remember when Trump was going to do that? Heard that a lot, every time he got a concession from foreign powers, war was going to break out!
  Let's take a look at the historical record regarding wars. It could be argued that the first war the United States had was with ourselves, the Civil War. That one was started by the Democrats. Their president was Jefferson Davis. But, set that aside. Woodrow Wilson was president when we entered WW1. He was a Democrat. In 1914 just three years earlier to us joining the war Woodrow Wilson proclaimed we would remain impartial in thought and action! We would remain neutral. But the administration had made huge loans to support the allies. If we didn't help win that war we would never get our money back! Coud have been an economic disaster, so we went over there. A democratic fiscal policy. It was a Democrat, FDR, in office when we entered WW2. We had been attacked at Pearl Harbor and so I agree our entry was justified. A Democrat ended that war too, by dropping two nuclear bombs on civilian populations. Harry S Truman, Democrat, took us into the Korean war. LBJ, another Democrat got us involved in Vietnam. 
  All that is just a part of the historical record. Now Biden, a Democrat is going to reprimand Putin? Sounds like he is going to get us into a war with Russia! I realize that is often the response to economic issues, war is great for the economy. China is attacking our economy, that' plain to see. Now Russia is threatening again. Remember Hunter had close ties with the Ukraine. Makes you wonder if Biden is just worried about his financial interests in that nation. Remember Hunter was getting 83 thousand a month from Burisma, a natural gas company in Ukraine. 
  Of course, I'm just a conspiracy theorist. I just read history and make predictions based on that. Historically speaking the Democrats take us to war over their beliefs. That started when the United States wanted to abolish the slave labor which would damage the southern economy. The result? War, the Democrats declared war on their own brothers! In World War one the concern was the loans the administration had made, while remaining impartial in thought and action. Well, until they realized they wouldn't get paid back unless we won. Yeah, they hadn't thought about that before lending the money. 
  Will Russia invade Ukraine? Who knows? The experts say it wouldn't be a swift and easy process, but Russia is quite capable of doing so. Even if it is a limited invasion, with just a little skirmish here and there, the United States will get involved. The reason for that will be an economic one, not a humanitarian one. Oh, the official line will certainly be one of "doing what is right" and the only "humanitarian" reaction. Even a little war is good for the economy. Russia, I'm certain, feels emboldened by our current leadership. I don't think Biden intimidates Putin in any fashion whatsoever. Trump did. That was simply because you couldn't be sure what the heck he would do next! It was best not to find out for the most part. Hey, you don't mess with crazy people either! So, no matter your personal opinion on Trump, he is no one to play with. All we can do is wait and see what happens next. I have to admit, I'm a little bit nervous. Things could get out of hand rather quickly. Strength and intestinal fortitude are not strong suits when it comes to Biden. He'll crumble like a ritz cracker!          

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