Friday, December 3, 2021

a little bit

  I'm listening to the morning news and all the usual stories are repeated. People shot in Baltimore, school shootings, and violence in the school. Stories about crime and corruption. Congress signed a three month stop-gap bill that Biden needs to sign. Without that the government would be broke. Social Security checks wouldn't have gone out, although welfare and payments to the illegals would have continued. Then they reported on the drug fentanyl. It is classified as a level one narcotic, but that designation is set to expire. I'm not certain why that is, you would think that once a drug receives that classification, it would remain that. I mean, the drug hasn't changed its' characteristics. Still, the story went on to explain that the Republicans want that classification to remain on any amount of the drug, but it is being met with opposition from some Democrats and President Biden. The opposition concerns the amount of the drug one could possess as related to charges. Remember it is a class one drug, a felony to possess. Now, the Democrats want to say, having just a little bit of it shouldn't be a class one crime. Yes, that's basically what they are saying, a little bit is alright. Guess the thinking is the same as being, just a little pregnant. Catch that early and kill the baby, no problem. 
 As I listened to this report I was thinking about what they are proposing. It started with we have a drug problem in America. That's what used to be the lead story. People are abusing drugs and we need do to do something to restrict the flow of these dangerous substances. That was the reason we made laws about all of that. It started with Coca-Cola and the inclusion of cocaine in that product. It began with the pure food and drug act. That legislation was to ensure the quality of our food and drugs, just as the title says. Prior to that you could add just about anything you wanted to a product and sell it.
 Today I'm hearing, we have an overdose epidemic in America! That's what they are calling that. The problem isn't people using illegal drugs, but rather, they are overdosing on them. This drug fentanyl is the leading cause of this epidemic. It isn't because people are using drugs, it's the drug they are using. Same logic as guns assaulting people. I wrote yesterday about New York and other places providing injection sites, paid professionals to assist, and others to administer Narcan should that need arise. You can do drugs, as long as you don't kill yourself. Well unless you are killing yourself on purpose that is, you know with government approval, then a professional will help.  In that way, we are controlling the overdose epidemic, all the while not infringing on your civil rights. Very progressive. There has been talk of just banning the sale of ammunition, that way you can still own your gun, but the gun can't assault anyone. 
 What is the response to this epidemic? Well, we will leave fentanyl on the level one controlled dangerous substance list, but a little will be alright. Wouldn't want to penalize the casual users or drug dealer. As long as you are only transporting, selling or using just a little bit, it's all good. Civil rights and all. 
Here's a link to the news article if you are interested. Personally, I think the whole deal is just ridiculous. I fail to see how there should even be a discussion about this, it's a no brainer. If you are caught using, selling, transporting or anything else with that product you go to jail! Locked up! A little bit is alright? WTH

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