Friday, December 31, 2021

on the threshold

  The debate is on about vaccine mandates. Is that legal? Can the government require citizens to comply with medical mandates? The argument centers on "the public good" and for the benefit of others. That is the reasoning for many of the laws we are subject to. Think speed limits, screaming fire in a crowded theater, things like that. I think we would all agree that is a good thing. Thing is, none of those type of laws require anything be injected or introduced into our bodies. They are just simple restrictions on what actions we may take. 
  Now first you have to consider whether your body is sovereign domain. Isn't that the premise behind the chanting masses proclaiming, my body, my choice? Many women will say just that and are ready and willing to debate that case. In fact, these same women are willing to kill their own children to prove that point! So, I guess you would have to say, they believe that wholeheartedly. If the government cannot deny a woman a legal right and guarantee to an abortion, how can that same government then demand an intrusion into my body, where is my choice? 
  Okay so say our bodies are our sovereign domain. No government could then mandate I receive any injections or take any medications. The government has already granted certain groups exemptions from such mandates, although we seldom hear of that. I can only assume the government has decided that just a few sovereign beings are alright, as long as not too many demand that. It would be like being just a little pregnant I suppose. 
 But in all fairness the government is not mandating the injection or medication. What they are mandating is compliance. You could say it is no different than all the other laws that restrict our actions/choices. Truth is that has been going on medically for many years. The requirement for vaccines for school attendance being one example. I was required to receive all sorts of injections when I was in the service. I agreed to all that when I signed the contract. Does being a citizen obligate you to be compliant? Is there a contract between you and government? It could be argued that yes, there does exist a contract, a social contract. Still, I am guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a portion of that contract. Where is the line? At what point? 
 The real issue here is one of control and compliance. There is also the issue of privacy. Who can demand to see my medical record? Is it the doorman at the corner store? If I am forced to produce a vaccination card for service, isn't my medical privacy dependent upon that? The concern becomes real when basic freedoms are denied without disclosure. Should I now have to provide medical evaluation to the department of motor vehicles? I'm a diabetic and could have low blood sugar or high blood sugar at any moment. Should I have to provide proof that I am treating that condition? What if I am prescribed a narcotic of some type, should that preclude me from driving until I no longer have that drug? What I'm saying here are background checks now to include your complete medical history to be provided upon demand? Would that be for the common good? 
 Yes you can say it would and you wouldn't be wrong about that. That being said are you willing to comply with that premise? That is to say, I can deny you service, entry to any business, public space or venue until you provide a comprehensive medical background check. That check, btw, shall include a mental evaluation as well, you know, in the interest of safety. I think a "booster" every six months should suffice. That is the threshold we are standing on. Should we go through that door there is no turning back. 
 You know, forcing someone to receive an injection, a medical procedure or mandate is not that much different from saying, you will become a Christian or you will be isolated from society. You are invading sovereign ground! You will do what I say is best for you, and I, whether you believe it to be best or not. As far as trust the science goes, I have learned one thing from science, question everything. Another observation I have made is, most of the time when something has to be forced, it isn't a good thing. Works that way with carpentry, religion and medicine. 
 Well, today is the last day of 2021and this is what I'm thinking about. It'll be settled in the next year is my thinking. It will be solved by indecision. A new crisis will emerge, the focus shifts. Happens every year and the coming year will be no exception. I'm hopeful for a convention of the states. I'm hopeful that the moral majority will speak up and put the nation back on track. It's my thinking you can only push for so long before you get shoved! Science tells us, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. A return to sanity is in order. Let's start with something simple, something basic, a concrete scientific fact, there are two genders! That's the reality. 

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