Wednesday, December 29, 2021

moral authority

  Here's an interesting quote from John Adams, yeah, that John Adams. " Power always thinks it is doing Gods' service when it is violating all his laws." I'd say that has never been more evident than in todays' world. Pick a nation, any nation and those words could be shown to be true. Adams also pointed out, "because power corrupts, society's demand for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases." 
  In America we have a government of the people. Our elected leaders are supposed to be a reflection of our citizens, not representatives of a ruling class. That was the original thinking and the original plan. Those founding fathers were all quite aware of how power corrupts. They were all students of history and students of reality. They had lived that! Indeed, that was the impetus of revolution, the corruption of power in government. The demand for moral authority and character surpassed all fear of reprisal. The character of those men, and indeed society in general,  demanded action. 
  Now we hear talk of term limits. Just why should that be so? Refer to Adams, "because power corrupts" is the short answer. The presidential term limit wasn't ratified until 1951 with the passage of the 22nd amendment. Was it passed because of corruption? Well, I wouldn't say it so much corruption as one party's concern that the other party's candidate would remain in power for too long. FDR had been reelected for a fourth term, only leaving office because he died! But term limits for the president wasn't a new idea, a new thought. It had been debated in 1787 at length, the fear being too much power for too long would corrupt.
  It should be understood that Adams was correct when he pointed out that our constitution was made only for a "moral and religious" people. Remember it is the people that are the government! The majority of the people elect representatives. That's why it is called a representative government. The issue becomes whether those representatives are moral and religious people. Refer back to Adams, "power always thinks it is doing Gods' service when it is violating all his laws." Why is that? Because power corrupts. No man is immune to that, hence the need to limit exposure. If one remains moral and religious, and vigorously defends that, one quickly becomes labeled a zealot or a fanatic! Usually by the ones wishing to hold onto their power or those attempting to gain power for themselves. 
  It was understood that not all the people are moral and religious. That was the reasoning behind the separation of church and state. Laws are instituted to form governments. That right is derived from the people! That is exactly why Adams said our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people and is totally inadequate to the governance of any other. Wars, uprisings, insurrections, protests and other civil disobedience are usually based in moral and religious belief, not in laws. When the moral and religious people of a group, club, or nation become so offended by the corruption of power that there is no other alternative, civil unrest will be the result. 
  Have we allowed government to become so detached from the moral and religious core of the people that corruption is running rampant? Corruption in the name of religious belief? Charity is at the fore front of this thinking today. The government as a charitable organization. Government is not, nor should it ever be, a charitable organization. Charity is the providence of morality and religion. Any government taking the just rewards of its' citizens and redistributing those rewards to those that have done nothing is immoral! Any government allowing the slaughter of innocent children is immoral. Our constitution was made for a moral and religious people! If we are going to allow that same government to act in an immoral fashion, instituting laws contrary to the law of man and of nature, it follows we should abandon that constitution altogether! 
  I am not prepared to do that. Are you? What would you replace that with? What needs to be replaced are those in positions of power. Term limits for all! We need to reestablish the integrity of our elections. Certainly with all our advanced technology, all the computers, we can secure that. Only citizens of this nation should vote in our elections! We the People. The question is, are, We the People, a moral and religious people? All I can say is that isn't what I'm seeing reflected in my government today. People, all people, require a moral authority. That is imperative to a productive life. That is the path to happiness. Moral authority is not law written by man! In fact, it is a very poor substitute.   

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