Friday, July 16, 2021

trust me

  It's a constant struggle. It's my feeling there has to be a right way. Occasionally I call that right way standards for lack of another term. Agreement may also be an appropriate word for what I'm thinking about. Religious instruction is the primary method of establishing a standard. That is what is sought with that, an agreement, a common understanding of what is right and wrong. Government seeks the same thing through legislation. The various forms approach that differently but it is the goal of them all. The Communists simply dictate whatever they like to the people who are forced to obey. The Socialists attempt to create the illusion that you have a choice while dictating to the people, and Democracies rule through debate. Whichever party gains controls establishes policies. Our government is a Republic which seeks to have the people as the central power, with representatives doing the will of the people. The issue with a Republic is having moral and religious people elected to represent the people. The corruption comes from the people, not the government. 
  John Adams famously stated, "our constitution is made only for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." James Madison wrote, "we must have sufficient virtue among men for self governance" and continued with, "otherwise nothing less than despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another." The reason for that? Madison pointed out that "government is a reflection of human nature." He was saying people are the government. That being the case we require a religious and moral population to govern ourselves adequately. We require the best society has to offer.
  How do we acquire these people? They come from the general population, educated in our school system. It is that system that is at the root of it all. What is being taught in the schools today? The virtues that Madison and Adams were thinking about have certainly been eliminated from the curriculum. In 1962 prayer was removed from schools. What was the message being sent? Saying the Pledge has become somewhat of an optional thing, sporadically practiced. I'd suggest that was the beginning of  erosion as far as religion and virtuous behavior is concerned. Government, think legislation, has replaced the people. And government uses one primary tool to control the people. That tool is, fear. Yes, fear will get people to surrender their rights and their liberty in exchange for even momentary security. English settlers came to Jamestown in 1607 ruled by the King. They complied with the King until such time as their fear of reprisal didn't exceed their desire for freedom. Freedom, it should be understood was closely linked to profits. The people wishing to control their own lives and affairs unencumbered by the King. Still they knew a government was a necessity, you just can't have everybody doing whatever they want either. A virtuous and religious people however should be able to govern themselves. 
 What do we hear today? Socialism is the answer. Some call it Democratic Socialism or invent other names, our current press secretary refuses to even use that word, socialism, instead replacing authoritarian in its' place. Cuba has an authoritarian government! No, it has a communist government. What's the difference between communism and socialism? Really just one thing, in socialism you can own personal property. well sorta, until the government wants it. Where do you think these people proposing this shift to socialism heard all this stuff? They were taught that in school. Young minds are impressionable. Young minds also inherently seek security. They may be reckless in that pursuit but that is what they want. Fear is a powerful motivator. If you are being told that you can not succeed in society, for whatever reason, that is a fear. Isn't that the very reason each generation attempts to change the rules? Yes, each generation wants to "win." That is the reason for the removal of virtue and morality. It's a license to "cheat" the system. No different at its' core than you making the correct decision, despite any harm or cost to yourself. In short, doing the right thing. Doing so when no one is looking, doing so without recognition or reward, is virtue. Religious belief provides that final reward, the reward for doing right. Yes, it is an intangible thing. 
 I see a lot of people afraid in todays world. No wonder either, a great deal of that fear is justified. The lawless are being rewarded and allowed to roam freely about. We are being told we are responsible for whatever the past generations did and should pay for that. We are being told the climate is changing and will kill us all. The rich people are dominating us and we will all be enslaved if we don't act now. We should establish charity, a religious premise, by force if necessary! If you are not acting in a virtuous manner the government will simply seize your assets and redistribute them! Government will establish virtue! You know, just like the King did back in the day. 
  Be afraid, be very afraid. That is the message being sent out today with every news cast. Remember, people will surrender their freedom, their virtue, their religion and anything else to obtain even the briefest moment of security. Fear is the ultimate tool. Most especially is the fear of the unknown. Consider a premise as simple as Judeo/Christian belief. If you do wrong, if you fail in judgment, what is the consequence? You go to hell! That's the fear isn't it? Yes, it certainly is but today you don't hear that much. Today all you hear is that you will be forgiven, no worries. That lessens the fear, changes the rules somewhat, no need to be such a stickler for the rules. It's even better when you remove that fear altogether. Just remove the possibility. Remove religion from the narrative. Virtue, well that's subjective isn't it? Yup, subject to the whims of those in power. Be afraid, be very afraid and just do as you are told. It'll be alright, trust me, I promise.       

1 comment:

  1. From what we see, the corruption comes from the people IN THE GOVERNMENT. Aren't you watching as the trump tribe marches off to jail?
