Monday, July 26, 2021


 This morning I was listening to the news and the panic surrounding Variant D. This variant is more deadly, more easily transmissible, and is spreading faster every day! The news is the vaccine may or may not protect you from this variant. That really depends on the intent of the story at the moment. Which psychological tact is being employed. There are two being employed. one is be afraid , be very afraid and the other is there is some hope, if you follow directions precisely. In the first scenario, we are all doomed because not everyone is following the directions precisely. In the second one, you can change it all, by following directions precisely.
 Now I realize I am not a scientist or a Doctor so I shouldn't have any opinion. Still I can't help but have questions. Yes, I know, I should should just accept the word of the the experts without question, but I'm just curious by nature. Every year I have been urged to get the seasonal flu vaccine, and in the last few years due to my advanced age, the pneumonia one as well. I have gotten neither and haven't had the flu or pneumonia. Okay, so I'm just lucky to have escaped all of that. I remain thankful to whatever power controls all of that. I have my own opinion on that as well but it isn't scientific so I won't mention it. 
 But I do know several folks that have gotten their inoculations, that's what we used to call all of that, but that is in a broader sense. Of course the push is to get this vaccine, which isn't really a vaccine at all, but we will call it a vaccine anyway. That's because us non-scientists, non-medical people couldn't possibly understand the difference, don't question that. Those folks still got the flu however. Thing is, it was a different strain, not a variant. Every year the CDC and the WHO get together and take there best guess on what vaccine should be administered. They are correct about half the time, in their best years anyway, some years far less. But it is never a variant, it's always a different strain. Variants are different than strains. That's what those groups would have the general public believe anyway. Variants are far more deadly! 
 That leads me to question; why is this a variant and not a different strain? Why is this being broadcast in that way? Never before did I hear the news folks or Doctors for that matter, saying there is a variant to this years seasonal flu, the vaccine is ineffective against that. No I heard, well, you caught a different strain of the flu, it's not a failure of the vaccine. You still need to get that vaccine every year, just in case the vaccine is effective against the strain we think will be around. It's our best guess, we're professionals. take our word for it. But if it were a variant, well now, that's a horse of a different color isn't it! We need to develop another vaccine, that isn't really a vaccine, to combat this strain that isn't a strain, it's a variant. Makes me question, maybe we should develop a vaccine instead of what we are using. 
 What are we using? Well it isn't a true vaccine as it contains no active virus at all, instead it is designed to use messenger RNA. That's pretty scientific and I admit to not being able to fully explain it. Still having a high school education and being able to read and comprehend what I'm reading does help. This "vaccine" is designed to modify your DNA, sorta. It's purpose is to artificially have your body create a defense against a virus. First time that's been tried in human beings so it's a bit sketchy but don't let that bother you. Maybe that's why we have a variant, not a different strain, I couldn't say, but I can question.   Yes I'm hesitant. That's what the government is calling me. I call it being cautious. I am hesitant to trust the government I'll admit to that. That's especially true when the government keeps changing their "guidelines" every few weeks. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, six feet, ten feet, one shot, three shots, boosters and variants! Let's just say I don't have a great deal of confidence in their guesswork. And I am hesitant to allow the government to use me for experimentation purposes. After all, this "vaccine" is an experiment never tried on human beings before. Maybe I'll just wait for the Variant Vaccine. You know the one they are developing why they to try to figure out whether this vaccine, that isn't a vaccine, is working. But I'm hesitant to participate, I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I'm a hesitator!    

1 comment:

  1. Good read Ben. Thanks
    Some how, some where these sciencetists have forgotten that SCIENCE is All About Q & A! Trial & Error! It's the very Nature is Science. So that being said, you have to wonder Why would they want to shut you down, your questions, everybody's questions.
    Control, Power, Money.
    There is a whole lot more going on in the BigPicture , as you know. Some of what I'm reading about this SHOT , The RNA , is going to be discovered for years to come. This will be a never ending experiment for decades to come I fear.

    Thanks again Ben

    Keep Asking Question!
