Tuesday, July 13, 2021


  To be part of something larger. Isn't that what we are told? We are all a part of something larger. And why should that be so? Is it a desire or a need? They are different things you know. Perhaps the very thing that separates people. You have those that are joiners, willing participants and volunteers, and those that are not. The real question is, what is the something larger? That has always been a ethereal thing to me. You can't define it exactly, it has no substance, it is just something larger than yourself. Something larger is always something better isn't it? That is the general feeling I get anyway. The thing is, you can't control the something larger, and it may not be a good thing. For that reason some of us remain reserved, more cautious in our approach. But I'm thinking that attitude is changing. Today more folks are being urged to be the something larger. That's what all this virtue signaling is all about. Virtue signaling, a new term for for an old action, hypocrisy. 
 To be comfortable with the idea of being a part of something larger you have to accept your lower station. That is the struggle the majority of us face. We all want to be a bit more important, feel a bit more vital to the day. No one wants to think of themselves as disposable, as not that important. So some will join in with whatever movement or cause comes along, believing themselves to be a part of something larger. The question is still unanswered though, what is the something larger? The truth there is that, the something larger, is a bit different for each of us. It can be anything from being the class president to being a part of the entire universe. The something larger is a place we wish to be. Once you have reached that place you are a piece of something larger, if you accept that. Self importance is another way of thinking about that. 
 How important are you in the big scheme of things? For 99.9% of us, not that important. The really important ones are remembered across centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans whose influence is still felt to this day. Jesus Christ, whether the son of God or just a man is perhaps the most influential man in history! Christianity is the largest religion in the world. Islam comes in at number two but is worth noting that it was founded on the principles of Jesus as well. But that is another discussion, for another day. The Jewish people have survived the longest but it is said that Jesus was a Jew. No matter the prophet, preacher or God, the concept is something larger than ourselves, something beyond this world. We all want to be a part of that, even those that deny its' very existence. Their self importance will not allow them to believe otherwise.
 I think it is all dependent upon your  sense of urgency. We are here but a short time in the big picture. Some believe we will be here more than once. Do each of us have a purpose? That is another question many struggle with. We all want to believe that we are here for a purpose don't we? We all want to believe that we are necessary. Is it necessary for us to know that purpose to fulfill that purpose? If you believe a higher power is in control the answer has to be, no. That is what we call belief. Trust, belief and faith all travel hand in hand, you can't have one without the others. It's a trilogy, just like the Holy Trinity. How urgently do you feel the need to fulfill your purpose? Truth is, you have no control over that. Our departure is just like our arrival. we really don't have a say in that, something larger than ourselves controls all that. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.      

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