Wednesday, July 21, 2021


  More senseless violence in the city of Baltimore. A sixty four year old man, shot and killed attempting to recover his stolen scooter. The Mayor and others blaming gun violence for that tragedy. As if the gun was the criminal! But what goes unspoken is that it is believed the suspects were black, the man attempting to recover his property was black. The blacks are shooting each other at a fantastic rate, yet the guns get blamed and the police. Critical Race theory is being pushed by the left. Wake up people, blacks are killing each other! When have you heard of any program, campaign or anything else to address that? Other than a neighborhood watch here and there, crickets. Mustn't talk about that. It's all the fault of the white folks! Because the blacks live in poor neighborhoods, don't get the same education as whites, and suffer from generational trauma, it's not their fault! They have no other option than to shoot each other. But why isn't that being talked about? Why? 
  We hear about celebrating cultural diversity. It's black history month, the black community, and heritage. Well, is all this violence a part of that heritage? Is violence a part of black culture? Certainly one could say that man is a violent creature, we do have a tendency to fight a lot. Violence has been evident in every society. Still, I don't recall a time in history when the same "community" was involved in killing each other. Oh we had the witch hunts and one European group attacking other European groups and the Norsemen, all of that violent history. We have had white vigilantes invading black neighborhoods and committing unbelievable acts of cruelty and discriminatory practices. The blacks have risen up in protest against white oppressors. But, now blacks in the same neighborhoods, the same streets and neighborhoods are busily engaged in killing each other. Why?  Why isn't anyone talking about that? 
  Instead I hear defund the Police. The Police are discriminating against the black population, even the black Policemen and ladies. I hear the cries of, we need tougher gun laws. I hear we need to throw millions of dollars at the issues. If we paid reparations for what happened in the past this will change the attitude today, all will be forgiven. Hey for a few bucks we will forget all about slavery and Jim Crowe. If we all were given money we will stop killing each other. Give us a home in the suburbs, a new car and a monthly stipend and this will stop. And none of that is ever said out loud, not directly because to do so means you are a bigot! To even suggest that the fault may indeed lie in black culture is just discriminatory and racist! Blacks are killing other blacks at twice the rate they are killing whites. And yes whites are killing blacks too. 
  Thing is, and I know this is controversial, what image is the black community projecting? Is it one of hard working, family oriented, socially conscious folks? No, the image is quite different isn't it? Who is the spokesperson for the black community as a whole? Reverend Al Sharpton? What is his message? Oprah Winfrey? What has she done to help the black community? All I ever hear is about Snoop Dog and what rapper has been shot lately! I see black athletes taking a knee because they are making millions of dollars and feel entitled to make a statement. What has any one of those people done to make things better? All they do is stir up more hate, more division, more animosity. Look all I'm saying is this, don't create this image and then complain about what people see! Are all black people violent criminals, thugs, and hate white people? Of course not but that is the image being projected isn't it? But that is the complaint, the white folks are stereotyping the black community. Meanwhile in the black community itself they are busy killing each other. Yet, I don't hear anything about that, just that it is the guns fault and injustices that occurred one hundred and fifty years ago. Makes me question, is the Uncle Tom mentality alive and well today? Is that the real issue here? Being a victim is always easier than being a victor. Uncle Tom means being like the white folks don't it? And we are Black, we can't be white. But then, like I was writing about the other day, we are talking about character not color. What are the characteristics that make a person black, white, Asian, or anything else? Content of Character. The content of your character does not define your race or ethnicity.   

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