Wednesday, July 14, 2021

another theory

  Critical Race Theory is all in the news these days. This "theory" is being taught in our schools. Many are rejecting this theory and are opposed to teaching this at all. In my thinking the problem lies not in the teaching of a theory, but in the attempt to replace all other theories. What other theories are being taught? I'm not certain about that as you don't hear anything about any of that. Capitalism will be the common response from those embracing this new theory of race. It's the same complaints heard from the beginning of civilized man. Some folks have more than others! It's not fair. In order to justify taking what others have earned, you need an excuse. Critical Race theory is just another example, another manifestation of that excuse. 
 So just what is this theory? Well in short it is the teaching of Karl Marx. It is Marxism for the new century. It's beginning were in 1848 when Marx published his communist manifesto. It underwent a few modifications over time being adapted to the times. The central theme, or theory, is class warfare. The workers versus the capitalist's. Marx advocated for the overthrow of the capitalist's, seizing their wealth and property. They could do this by securing the means of production. Everyone gets the same! And that method has been tried, repeatedly, and has always failed. The theory has proven itself to be seriously flawed, it just won't work! The biggest flaw in this theory is that Marxism, communism and socialism, all require a dictatorship to exist. That is for a very basic reason, people will not voluntarily surrender their wealth, their property or their freedom. That dictatorship will only grow as  time passes and lead to  collapse. The people will reach a point where, enough is enough. That's what will happen! It isn't what could, would, or might happen, it will happen! History is the proof of that. 
 The big lie in Marxism and all the others is that everyone is equal. Equality is the watchword used to fuel revolutions. That is true no matter the government that is being formed following the revolution. Equality just sounds right doesn't it? It's what is fair. That's the mindset of man and has always been the mindset of man. You are not going to change that. The people have learned however, at least here in America we have, and have known since our own revolution, that equality isn't about property or wealth. Equality is having an equal chance, a level playing field. Equality is a system in which anyone can succeed. Equality isn't a guarantee that you will succeed, just that you can. 
 So now we have this Critical Race Theory. Critical Race theory simply replaces the word equality with equity. They sound alike don't they? Many people confuse the two. They are not the same thing. Equity is the investment one has in a company or property of some kind. Equity is an investment in a broad sense. Equity can also mean justice, by natural law or right, being treated equally. Critical Race Theory seeks to redistribute "equity" in the name of equality. It's the same thing as what Karl Marx was writing about! Take property, wealth, and freedom by revolution! Take from the rich and give to the poor. Critical Race Theory simply replaces the word "class" with "race." That's all it really is. The theory being, race is what is causing the inequities. That's the excuse this time. Last time it was just the rich guys have everything. 
 It is something I have said repeatedly and will continue to repeat, "everyone wants to be treated equally, until they are." It is at that point excuses for shortcomings need to be found. I am standing on equal ground yet I am not as successful. I will dismiss the idea that it is my fault and find someone else to blame. That is the nature of man. Facts don't matter at that point, only perceptions. Somehow and in some way, it just isn't fair. I should be just a little bit more equal than you! 
 Well, I'm going out on a limb here but I have a theory of my own as regard to race. If you raise your children, whatever race they happen to be, to believe that they are somehow never equal, they won't be. And that is what I'm hearing today. No matter how much education they receive, no matter how much legislation is passed, no matter how many programs are implemented, failure will always be because of race. That's the real lesson behind this critical race theory. The theory that one race is inherently inferior to the other and can not compete on a level playing field. Isn't that the real excuse these Critical Race Theorists are proclaiming? It's not fair because I am a different race. Ignore all the facts to the contrary, ignore all those great individuals in the past, they "made it" despite their race right, and place the blame on race. Marx called it class, today, they call it race. Same thing. What it is, is socialism. A theory proven wrong time and time again. Call it by any name you like, it will not work.  

1 comment:

  1. TEACH REAL HISTORY and call it HISTORY. Stop with the titles that complicate it all.
    That's my 2 cents on it. We've been believing a WHITE washed version of our American History for hundreds of years. Let's teach it RIGHT for a change
