Tuesday, July 27, 2021


  So the NFL has announced they will play the "Black National Anthem" before every game.  I admit I had to look that up, this Black National Anthem, as I was unaware of any black nation. The United States of America already has a National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key. Turns out though this Black National Anthem is a poem, set to music, that some black folks have taken to calling the Black National Anthem. I've never heard of that before other than a few vague references, but then again I'm not black. So I looked it up and it was written by James W Johnson and later set to music by his brother J. Rosamond Johnson, to celebrate Abraham Lincolns' birthday. A fitting tribute. 
 With that in mind I would quote Lincoln himself, " a house divided against itself can not stand." Is not that house the United States of America? I certainly believe that is what he was referring to. A separate anthem is certainly divisive wouldn't you say? I can't see it any other way, it would be akin to me insisting you say my prayers in your church! I have to question the reason for doing so. Are we trying to say there is a black nation and another nation? Or are we trying to say there is a black nation and a white nation? If that's the case what about all the other races that hold citizenship in this great country? Shouldn't we then be playing their national anthems before every game as well? It only seems equitable. And who is standing and kneeling when? What is the protocol? 
 I would quote another President, Theodore Roosevelt. "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." Those are true words and we should all listen carefully to them. Teddy also pointed out another truth, "to educate a man in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society." I've seen an awful lot of that going on lately. That's taking place with the rewriting of history. It's also the objective behind this critical race theory we are all hearing so much about. Is playing this Black National Anthem validation of that theory? It sure looks like virtue signaling at the highest level to me! Roosevelt, in talking about immigrants, said we have no room for hyphenated Americans in this nation. He insisted on loyalty to the American people and I concur with him on both points. One nation, one national anthem. 
  Look all I'm saying here is we have but one nation. That nation is made up of every race on the planet! This nation has a National Anthem. I would also point out that the final line in that Black National Anthem says to be "true to our Native land." To be an American you need to be true to America! I would also point out another basic fact if science is to be believed, 2000 generations ago all humans emigrated off the African continent and spread throughout Eurasia. So that means we are all Africans. The bottom line though is really simple, we are all Americans. Our National Anthem knows no color. There is no "black" nation. There is but one nation. I do wonder though, how many black people support this? They comprise about 14% of the total population. I wonder what is the significance to them? But you can't ask that, in that way, can you? Sounds racist referring to a group as "them." It's almost like you are saying they are different than you or something. I see fellow Americans. I'm disappointed when they prove otherwise. Just sayin'  


  1. Lincoln said it, the Bible said it first.Matthew, 12:25: “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” If all of those who seem to think black people, brown people, Asian people and American Indians would stop thinking the way they do, that they aren't Americans (how dumb is THAT???) and aren't worthy of what we white people are granted ...this country would not be divided. THINK about THAT!

  2. It would be wiser to work toward UNITING, instead of dividing.
