Sunday, July 25, 2021

sounds like a plan

  In listening to the evening news I heard a brief mention of a new program the FBI is planning to launch. This plan is to fight hate. Yes, the plan is to criminalize hate, well as long as you are hating the wrong group that is. Those groups tearing down statues, renaming sports teams and demanding pronouns be excluded aren't hating anything, that's not hate. No, they aren't hating, that's progress. But the FBI is launching a new effort to be preemptive, to weed out those that may harbor ill feelings towards others, especially liberals. The New York Times published a 32 page article detailing how this can de done. The centerpiece of the strategy is a link to send tweets to the DNI. The DNI is the director of national intelligence. The purpose being to report "homegrown" domestic terrorism. And who better to do that than the children. Children see what their parents and siblings are up to and are being encouraged to report that activity. Yes, it is becoming a policy of this administration to investigate these reports, President Biden has asked for an additional one hundred million dollars just for that purpose. The hope is to have a method just like Cuba and China to receive these reports from family members. You do have to teach the children early on that snitching on your parents, siblings, friends and classmates is the patriotic thing to do. Hey worked for Hitler didn't it? 
 The FBI has sent out tweets encouraging just that with a link to an article on how to recognize that. The tweet contains a link to a handbook on how to identify domestic terrorism and identify possible plans. It details things to report, like Dad bought a gun or told a racist joke at the dinner table! Both actions are equally as dangerous and should be reported immediately. Don't take any action yourself, don't let on, the FBI will investigate. Are your parents anti-vaxxers? That could be a sign as well. What news shows are they watching? Have they joined any new groups lately or voiced support for things like the second amendment? Could be a breeding ground for insurrectionists! But the FBI has a plan to combat hate, to remove that emotion from the hearts of true Americans. No longer will we wait until something happens, now we will analyze the data and preemptively stop the hate! Like Barney Fife would say, just nip it! We will nip it in the bud before it can blossom into hate. Just like your parents said, don't even think about it!
 There is no doubt that this program is aimed at conservatives. Although not intentional the plan is quite transparent to anyone paying attention and having an understanding of history. At its' core it is a tool to instill fear in the people. If you have to hide your thoughts, your beliefs from the government you are being oppressed. When that government institutes programs to spy on its' citizens that instills fear. And there is no doubt that the conservative views are the ones being targeted. Especially white domestic terrorism! Yes, Jan the sixth is the banner the left is waving that is supposed to support that. Never mind all the other riots, looting, and domestic unrest in the country, never mind that people are killing each other at a record pace in almost every major American city. 
 No, the real problem are those pesky white conservatives! You know the real problem with conservatives? They hate socialism and communism. Yes, that's the problem alright, along with the desire to keep the Constitution unchanged and enforced. Why those damn conservative people expect everyone to be accountable for their actions! They don't understand that the government should control your life, its the only way, you can't do that on your own. Damn conservatives believing in themselves, can't have that. And that's not to mention their moral and ethical values. Imagine thinking there is right and wrong and that you will be held accountable for that? There is no law except the law of the land! Science is the answer. Place your trust in science! And report any suspicious activity to the DNI. Do so especially if that person doesn't agree with you. Just report them! The FBI will root out the haters! The FBI will also determine if they are hating. Yeah, sounds like a plan doesn't it?  

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the future! Happy to see you fot your own platform that won't be censored!!
