Sunday, July 11, 2021

family and friends

  Had a family day yesterday. We took a ferry ride from Lewes Delaware to Cape May New Jersey, round trip in fact. Just a ride over for lunch and to enjoy each others company. The grandkids will be off to college and we won't get to see them much. Truth is, we don't see them as much as we would like now, they being busy building their own lives. But I have to say we have been blessed with good ones, no major drama or issues. The weather was perfect out on the bay with a gentle breeze. My son and his wife have reached a degree of, shall we call it maturity, that they are beginning to understand the value of just doing nothing, like just sitting on the ferry. Starting to slow down and smell the roses a bit you might say. Enjoying the fruits of their labor. Oh alright, lets just spell it out, they are getting older. Strange how that happens to people isn't it? One minute you are all wound up, full of energy, anxious to get'er done, whatever that is  and the next thing you know, a good nap sounds great. I get a feeling another lap has been completed, but I also feel there are many more to go. The race has barely begun.
 The day was uneventful, just a pleasant day spent together. We didn't venture into town and do the whole beach scene thing. We have done that in the past. Cape May is a beautiful seaside town with all the quaint little beach homes scattered in between big mansions. It's a playground for the wealthy and those that want to pretend they are wealthy for a day, or an afternoon. In some ways it reminds me of my hometown. But this time, we weren't in the mood for any of that. I'd say this family day was more of a day of unspoken reflections. We have traveled to many places together, great grand trips. We have been to Disney, Niagara and the Grand Canyon together. Hallmark movie moments I call them. Just like you see in those movies, just without all the drama. I guess you could say Hallmark Movies on a budget. The memories are priceless however. 
 Yesterday was like a day spent wrapped in your favorite blanket, with a good book. Just enjoying the story, and like reading a really good book, you don't want to get to the ending. You wouldn't mind going back and reading a few chapters over again. I've been known to just close the book and review the story in my mind, sometimes I never finish the book because I'm afraid of the ending. It's not that I'm afraid of how the story ends, it's just that I know the story will end. Well, unless there is a sequel. But I've never heard of a sequel to life so I'm hedging my bet a bit. Memories were made and filed away for another day. Photographs taken. It's truly wonderful when your family is also, your friends.    

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