Friday, July 23, 2021


  Here it is Friday once again. I know it is cliché but time sure flies. I blinked and here it is Friday where did the week go? At a time when I am less active than I used to be, the days are going faster. That doesn't seem to make sense. Now that I think about when trash day is, two days ahead of time, and I have a Drs. appt two weeks away, I'm feeling rushed. Thirty years ago wasn't that long ago but last week was! Do you know that feeling? I guess my Mother was right when she tried telling me about this time warp thing. Time is going faster. 
  We are three weeks into July already. Not surprised to see the back to school supplies in the Walmart I admit to that, but I noticed the absence of all the plants lined up outside the store. It will be mums and pumpkins soon enough I suppose. I have to say I'm surprised Biden is still in office, I figured they would have replaced him by now. But then again I suppose they needs someone to say stuff like, non-vaccinated people are causing a pandemic! He must be following his orders well. Well, mid-term elections aren't really too far off, changes will be made. That is the driving force behind this "infrastructure" bill. That's what all the non-infrastructure monies in the proposal is all about. Another stimulus check is out of the question, too obvious, but certain perks can be included in other legislation. It's also the reason for Pelosi and her Capital Insurrection investigation. It's about punishment not justice. 
  I have wandered off topic a bit as I am wont to do. In just a few weeks all the grandkids will be of to college. I have gotten used to Mark being in college, this being his third year, but Morgan will be beginning. Like most kids she wants to stay on campus and take advantage of that whole experience. Salisbury University isn't  that far from here but still, I know how it goes. Outta sight, outta mind. We won't be seeing her often, holidays and such. 
  I'm also thinking that perhaps time seems faster because of the reminders. Those reminders come in many forms but none leave an impression more than the passing of others. Recently, as you may know I lost my Mother. The other day I hear of the passing of a gentleman I knew a few years back. Another man I know has been relegated to a nursing facility, he fell at home. He isn't expected to return to his home again. All of those reminders of time. The more we say I remember, the more time has gone by. Time leaves us memories and it sure seems like I'm collecting those at an incredible rate. I don't know, I just woke up this morning, always a good thing, and thought, Friday already? It's the last day of the week right? Start a new week tomorrow or is that Monday? If that is so, what is the weekend? I mean if it isn't the beginning or the end those two days are in the middle. The weekend seem longer now, but the weeks shorter. Maybe it's because we aren't looking forward as much as we are looking back. Is that what aging is? Well, time to go. Thing is, I won't know where until I get there. It's a paradox.   

1 comment:

  1. Surprised,you said, that Biden's not replaced? HAHAHA!!! I'm surprised that trump isn't in jail yet, but oh,you know how these things take time....the wheels of justice, and all that.... I'm patient, I'll wait....he will be in the crowbar hotel one of these days. WATCH!
