Monday, July 22, 2019

to be clear

  Just thought I'd clear things up this morning. I keep hearing how it's the white guys that have conquered everyone else and abused them. Going back through history we see it again and again. The Europeans were always fighting with one another. They never could get along with one another, that's why the European continent comprises so many different countries. White guys conquering white guys! The Chinese just stayed to themselves for the most part, they just fought each other. They built a wall to keep others out! Worked well for centuries. At some point Asians migrated across the land bridge to the north American continent and became what we call Indians. Later the Europeans came in ships and took the land away from them. They must have forgotten about building a wall but whatever. It's those pesky white guys again. 
 But wait just a minute here. If we are going to go back in history to place blame shouldn't we go all the way back? If you are going to start placing blame, you do have to start at the beginning. Now the scientists all agree upon one thing. Man came out of Africa. That's what they say. So if we are going to go with science we would have to say it wasn't white guys. White guys didn't come out of Africa. No, the whiteness, that fair skin, is a result of adaptation. We adapted to the climate. Well because the climate has been changing since we arrived and the climate does change depending upon where you live. We are working on changing that. After we get that fixed humans will adapt to the climate change and all look alike. Be patient, we are working on that.
 But back to what I was saying. If we all came out of Africa, aren't we all black? I mean all the Europeans are white aren't they? Doesn't make any difference if they come from England, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, or whatever. All the Muslims are white aren't they? If not, what are they? They aren't Asians, you know yellow skinned people. But it doesn't matter because we all started out in the same place, that's what science says and science certainly can't be wrong. So just who is to blame for all of this? Seems like it is the Black guys. If they had stayed in Africa the rest of the world would be empty. No white guys at all! And if we didn't have the white guys none of this conquering would have happened in the first place. 
 There that explains that. Makes sense doesn't it? As much sense as a lot of other stuff I hear these days. Just listen to the left and you will quickly understand. It is always someone else's fault. It can be fixed though, just give them whatever you have or whatever they want. If you don't you are a racist! You are racist against the human race! Well you are racist against whatever identity they choose to call human at the moment. No requirement to be male or female! Just identify yourself as whatever. 
 Now we all know the white Europeans came to America and conquered the Indians. White guys beating up Asians who later on bombed Pearl Harbor in revenge for that I guess. The Latinos adapted to living in South America and up through the Yucatan peninsula, some living in parts of North America too, but they didn't conquer the Indians. Guess that was because their skin wasn't white, so it's all good brother. Now we have the Latinos attempting to invade the white guys lands. We should just give it back to the Asians following that reasoning, the Asians had it first. But the Asians started out in Africa, everyone did. So we are all Africans. Africans should have everything! Carried to its' logical conclusion, they do! We are all Africans and we all have what we have conquered. Really it is just a matter of what we did with what we had. It really was an equal opportunity situation in the beginning.  Equal opportunity doesn't guarantee equal results. The real culprit in all of this is climate change! If we hadn't had to adapt to the climate we would have all stayed looking the same.Fix that and the problem will be solved. When everyone looks alike what can we use as an excuse? Maybe, just maybe it will because of their culture, and not race. Nah, they're racists. 

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