Saturday, July 20, 2019


 I thought that a blog was usually centered on a specific topic or interest. I looked up the definition to discover that isn't necessarily so. A blog is just a website or web page run by one or more people that is updated regularly and written in an informal style. That's what it says. Now having been writing one of these blogs for years I have decided for me anyway, the name really should be blab. You know, as in blabber mouth. Well at least I'm positive that some think so. I hadn't ever looked up the word blabber before and was surprised to read this definition. " To talk foolishly, mindlessly or excessively. " I can agree with the excessively part, I do tend to ramble on. I don't think it is mindlessly, foolish perhaps, I don't really expect to change any minds or opinions, but its' worth the effort anyway.
 It has become increasingly apparent to me that we need to define each word we use. There seems to be a great deal of confusion among some about what word to use. I'm thinking we will need to include a definitions list, as a footnote, to ensure we are clear about what we are saying. Wasn't that the intent of Websters' standard dictionary of the English language? It's what I used when I was in school but apparently it has been replaced. I'm not certain what we are using, the urban dictionary, the rap dictionary, the make it mean whatever you like dictionary or something else. All this may have started the first time someone said, that's cool meaning it was hot, as in I accept that proposal or action. Now changed to, it's all good, bro. Well because we are all brothers, even when one of us is a female. Brothers and Sisters! I hear that is being outlawed as sexist! I'm thinking we will have to stick with, hey you. I guess it is contextual reference that I am thinking about in those footnotes. We need to explain the context! It's really like a road sign, to keep you on track with what my thoughts are.
 I hear the phrase, words matter, a lot these days. Yes, I agree words do matter. That is exactly why we need to have a standard definition for those words. The definition of the words will define the context of the message. For instance, if someone crossed our border, without proper authorization, they have committed an offense. What is the offense. In this instance one has to understand that " offense " means breaking federal law of the United States of America. That doesn't imply a nationality, race, creed or national origin, it means a person committed an offense. It doesn't speak to the reason the offense was committed. Now, understanding that we can apply the label illegal. Yes , that person is illegal having committed an offense. Furthermore they are alien because, they belong to a foreign nation or country. That's the standard definition of an alien, pretty clear to me. So, yes if someone crosses the border without authorization they are then a illegal alien. See, that's clear, placed into context and easily understood by everyone. The acceptance of that reality is the only thing in question. But for me, " a rose by any other name, would smell as sweet. " That's what Shakespeare said meaning, the name doesn't change a thing. 
 It is this skewing of meanings that frustrates me so. Call it double talk or whatever but changing the name of things doesn't change what they are. Illegal is still illegal, in violation of established law. There are two, count them, two genders! It's true, there are only two. Now you may feel like there are more, there may be people who believe they are something different, but no matter what, there are two genders! Male and Female. That's all there are. Yes there are hermaphrodites but even they have a dominant gender. So the answer is two. Two genders. Gender being defined by chromosomes. They are either xx or xy. Xxy or xyy are the aberrations. Self identifying is not a real thing! You don't get to decide that. Self identifying is nothing more than delusional thinking. Different name, same condition. Finally the word racist is being use incorrectly all the time. What is a racist? A person that displays prejudice against people of another race. What is race? Race is concerned with the physical characteristics of person. So if I disagree with your opinion I am not a racist unless my opinion is based upon your physical characteristics. If our disagreement centers around culture ( heritage ) that is an ethnic problem. That's because ethnicity concerns your culture. I'm not being racist when I oppose your culture! All races can belong to all cultures, and, guess what, they do! I know it's an amazing revelation isn't it. But there is no name for that, racist is used instead. Why is that? Simply because your race is what I can readily see. You look different than me. I'm curious. But human instinct being what it is I am also wary. But having learned of your culture and rejected that, doesn't make me a racist. You may call me that because you feel like it is because of your physical  appearance. Why? What else have you got? Culture is subjective, 100% subjective. You obviously support yours and I mine. Then it boils down to one thing, which culture is assimilating to which culture. It is cultural assimilation that forms a nation! It isn't just people of different races! It's cultural! So quit calling me a racist. If you must call me a cultural purist. An American cultural purist. A culture based on Christian values of morals and ethics. It isn't perfect but it's America. Being an American isn't a race, it is a nationality. A nationality with a national identity. I will protect and defend that identity. Even, if you call me a racist! 

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