Sunday, July 7, 2019


 It has become a habit, each morning I sit before this monitor looking at a blank screen. I gather some thoughts and begin to write. There are days when I have a specific thought to begin with. This morning I am wondering, can you just say too much? What I mean is, is it possible to share too much of yourself and your thoughts? I'd say that is certainly true if popularity is your objective. That's the reasoning behind demographics. It's good to know the character of your audience. In that way you can tailor your message. The thing is I'm not particularly interested in doing that. Of course I'd be lying if I said I didn't want people to like my writings and agree with my conclusions. I think that is what everyone wants. The difference is, I can't sustain that for very long. What I mean is, I can't edit myself very well, self censorship is something I find quite difficult. I question the requirement to do that. Honesty outweighs popularity every time, even when honesty hurts.
 Now I do tell myself if you just don't say anything, you won't get anyone upset. But then I think if I have to hold my tongue, be careful what I say to keep a friend, is that person really a friend? Your friends should accept you the way you are. The real problem with friendship is remaining the same. I think that's why old friends are the best, those friends you made as a child. Back in your youth you were working with your core values. For most of us it is what our parents or siblings taught us. Later on, we may alter those values as our perception changes, as we deal with reality. But with those old friends if our core remains intact, the friendship lives on. That's the reason old friends can go separate ways for years on end and still pick up the conversation. We are still on the same page. It is sad when you discover an old friend has turned the page. It happens. The sadness comes with the realization that they were only an acquaintance, not a friend.
 It is also true that we may not recognize it when we turn a page. Others aren't the only ones changing, I've certainly changed in some of my thoughts over the years. I do believe however, that at my core, I haven't changed much. There are some that would call me " ignorant " as I haven't adopted many new ideas concerning morality and ethics. There are those that feel you must adopt the " new " in order to be progressive. Progress is made by moving forward, real progress is achieved with understanding. Yes I believe in moral absolutes. If something is wrong, it is always wrong. Ethics are established by the society and are subjective, but not morals. Morals are established by a higher authority than man, It makes little difference what label you wish to apply to that power. the importance lies in understanding that power exists.
 I thought about all of this after reading some postings on Facebook. It is a difficult thing to interact with just the written word, words typed in cyberspace can carry the wrong message entirely. I'm certain we are all very much aware of that. It has happened to us all, sarcasm, wit, snide remarks and that sort of thing just doesn't work well unless the other person really doesn't knows you. You do have to know the persons sense of humor to be effective. I've been told I have a sharp wit and can be sarcastic. That's doesn't always go over well, I understand that, but I can't change who I am. Fact is, I don't want to change who I am! I'm happy with me.
 I do believe we have reached a moral crossroad here in America. I can see that on the news, in the interaction of people in the streets and on social media. Our elected officials are a reflection of that as well. There is an attempt being made to legislate morality! The arrogance of man rears its' ugly head once again. And just what is morality? Morality is the proper conduct of man. Ethics set the minimum standard, morality is the standard. I further believe that we all will one day be judged against that standard.  

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