Friday, July 19, 2019

do you feel it?

 You often hear someone say there is a groundswell of support for this or that. It has become an expression to describe a slow building of a very powerful force. Having been in the Navy and experienced many groundswells I can attest to their force. They often come in waves as well, one after another. The only thing that stops them is when the hit the shore. That's when that energy is dissipated. It usually results in change. It changes the shore and the scenery.
 Now I am feeling a groundswell building. We are heading toward a change of some type. I have to say I don't have a good feeling about it either. I'm thinking there will be repercussions no matter the result. I fear the days of accepting political results, relatively peacefully, are over. Judging by the reactions from the last I can't see otherwise. I sense desperation, anger and resentment. That's all I can hear from the left. It does sound more like the cries of children that have been told no. But they still want the toy! And the right grows more determined than ever. Conciliatory has left the conversation.
 My concern grows, not for the election that is going to take place, but rather than something is going to happen before that. I'm not one for government conspiracies and all that but it does seem like distractions appear at opportune moments. I have a hunch something is going to happen. Maybe it is a self fulfilling prophecy, maybe it just a statistical certainty, but I feel like something is going to happen to change the whole discussion once again. And I say that because because as far as I'm concerned the left is losing the debate! It does take something extraordinary to happen to make an extraordinary change. And make no mistake about it what the left is proposing is extraordinary. Open borders is just the beginning. To propose we do not have a border around our country is just ludicrous. It's extraordinary! The same ones pushing for that have a border around their property to define their possessions. Even if it is only a line on the map it does give you protection. Without it, I could just use your yard for whatever purpose I want, maybe I need a little more room for expansion. Hey, no border here, just keep on going.
 Yes I feel the groundswell growing. For good or bad, I feel it. It is a nervous energy. I'm not one to be paranoid, not one to be jittery. I'm usually a pretty calm customer. Pragmatic is a word to describe my demeanor, most of the time. It's the New England upbringing. Stoic is another term that could be applied to me, although in a milder form, as I will react to things. I'd say my goal is to remain stoic but I don't always succeed. I am bracing myself for whatever is coming. Something is coming! Do you feel it?     

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