Wednesday, July 24, 2019

if at first

 Well the plan for yesterday didn't go quite the way I had hoped. I did go crabbing with the grandkids but the crabs failed to show up for the party. Oh well, we are going to try again today. Got some fresh chicken and renewed hopes. I was asked yesterday about the number of crabs I had caught and had to report that number, zero. But I did answer with, it's not about the crabs, it's about making memories. I've already forgotten about that, it's time to get some crabs and make a memory of eating them! But, hey, you gotta say something, it's like saying, it's the thought that counts. Sure it is. The weather is supposed to be clear with pleasant temperatures prevailing.
 I have to say it was nice having someone drive me. I could just sit back and relax. My grandson Mark is a cautious driver, although he does tend to tailgate just a bit, so I was testing that right side brake pedal. It doesn't work. Mark found that amusing. I didn't say anything though, just keep trying that brake. I could get used to being driven. I can see where having a driver would be convenient.  James, bring the car around! I can remember seeing a chauffeur bringing someone to church when I was little. Some rich person I assume. Silly me I wanted to be the chauffeur instead of the rich person! I wanted to drive that limo. Guess that is the difference between blue blood and red blood. I got the red. Beer, burgers and pick up trucks. And where did it get me?  Clogged arteries from eating burgers and a DWI driving that pick up truck. LOL Should have had a driver, a Latte and the Atkins diet. Of course if I was a blue blood that would make me a horseshoe crab! Horseshoe crabs have blue blood, did you know that? It has something to do with the copper in their blood, like copper pennies, guess that is why they have money too. But now I'm just rambling.
 So anyway today we will try again. It was fun yesterday despite the weather. Guess we showed 'em. No fair weather fisherman here. We were the only ones on that bridge. I didn't expect it would be overly crowded on a weekday morning but was surprised that no one else showed up. I'm thinking today will be different. There is plenty of room for everyone. You can fish off that bridge as well but I didn't bring a rod and reel. I really like doing one thing at a time. If I'm fishing, I'm fishing, if I'm crabbing, I'm crabbing. I do enjoy the smell of the bay and watching the gulls fly. Yesterday there was a man running a trot line and I watched him for a while. Even though there is a span next to this one with the traffic, it is nice. Sometimes I wave at the people driving across the bridge. You know, the way you wave at passing boaters when you are on the water. It's sort of a social convention.
 Also today the famous Assateague island ponies make their swim. It is such a large event, drawing thousands, that I stay away. The traffic will be horrendous. I have been to Assateague and saw the ponies roaming freely about. It is quite a sight. Went clamming there year before last and caught the last clam. I only got one so figured that must be it! It was nice though and I may go again this year sometime. It's a good drive from here, maybe if I get that driver? I don't know, soon, Mark is off to college. Maybe I can get my granddaughter to do the driving. Well for today I'm going back to Cambridge and taking another crack at those crabs. Hoping to " crack " some crabs, get it, take a crack at crabs. A good grandpa joke. Time to get up and get going. If at first you don't succeed try, try, again. That's what I was taught.   

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