Sunday, July 14, 2019

it's not fair

 Immature: not fully developed. That is one definition of the word, although we tend to think of someone thinking or acting like someone younger when we hear that term. Yes, they are the same, not fully developed, immature. I thought of this particular word this morning and thought it applies perfectly to the Democratic platform. Their ideas and proposals are immature, not fully developed. In short I don't think any of them have thought a thing through to its' logical conclusion. And that is the big frustration for me. At the end of the day you do have to make a  practical mature decision. You have to deal with what is, not what we wish it were. That is the beginning of progress.
 Take the current immigration crisis for example. What is the democratic approach, what is there platform? Open borders, charity for all. Just come in and we will take care of you. Yes, it's a noble sentiment, very emphatic, and the moral high ground. Sounds like a child saying, Daddy can I have the puppy! Obviously they have given no thought to the logistics of that scenario. Let's begin with funding. Where does the money come from to support thousands of people? According to Giving USA Americans donated over 410 Billion, yes that billion with a b, to charity in 2018 alone. I'd say that was pretty generous. We all know that money isn't enough to support the causes we already have, let alone add thousands of more people to that role. The cost is a staggering figure yet the Democrats keep asking, Daddy can I have the puppy. An immature thought! I fail to see how any logical person could conclude that it is a prudent decision to just fling open the border. Are these people flinging the doors to their homes and refrigerators open to anyone that wants to walk in? You can bet they are not.
 What are the Democrats proposing? Healthcare for all, as a human right! Their position being, if you are a human you should get free healthcare. No concern for how it is going to be funded, how it will be applied equally across all social and financial stations. No, just provide free health care to everyone! This from the same people that tell me healthcare includes killing babies! And healthcare includes assisting in suicides! No worries, the government will decide upon what healthcare you receive. Now if you are terminally ill there would be no need to throw good money after bad, just pull the plug on that! Ah, but its' free right? Well at least the very basic services would be, anything too costly would have to be trimmed from the list. No different than Mom buying your clothes for school really. You give her a list of designer fashions and she buys your clothes at Walmart! You got the basic plan. Mom made the mature decision. The financially prudent decision. She didn't expect the neighbor to " chip in " so you could have designer clothes! But that is what socialized medicine is all about. I should pay for your medical needs regardless of whether you contribute or not! It's free for everyone! Of course you do have to accept a reality, nothing is free. But that requires maturity, something the Democrats seem to be lacking.
 And the Democratic platform also includes this gem, ignore the law whenever that law doesn't suit your purposes. That's why we have sanctuary cities and states " legalizing " pot. Their platform says law enforcement agencies do not have to work together or cooperate with one another. If one agency doesn't like the law they don't have to help enforce that! No different than a child at the Daycare, I don't like little Billy so I don't have to pick up his toys! No, it doesn't matter if I also used those toys, it doesn't matter if yesterday little Billy picked up my toys. All that matters is how I feel!  A state can decide to not enforce a federal law if they don't like it. Mostly if that law impacts a revenue stream, then we will ignore that. We will just ignore the Supremacy clause in the Constitution. Well that's because we don't like it, this time. Again like a child, just stomping their feet and saying no.
 Yes in the end all I see from the Democrats is immaturity. I don't believe they don't understand or comprehend the situation. I'm not saying these folks are stupid, I am saying they are immature. Listen closely to their arguments. What you will hear is akin to listening to a child convince you he needs a new bicycle. The object is to get what you want, at any cost. No thought for the good of the whole, just me. The biggest argument? It isn't fair! But it isn't fair! That's not fair. 

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