Wednesday, July 17, 2019

the truth is hateful

 For a time yesterday I thought I had been placed in Facebook jail. I was unable to create a post on my timeline. That remained true for five or six hours. Then, just like that, the what's on your mind box reappeared. Perhaps it was just a mild censure or most likely, a computer glitch. My computer seems to have those frequently. Whatever the case I can create posts once again. I thanked those that offered advice and information. Later in the day it was reported that I had been hijacked! My niece said she had gotten a message from me and felt I hadn't sent it. She was right. She informed me I should change my password, which I did. Great now I have to remember that! Ah the price of cyber security. 
 During the time I thought I had been censured I did think about what I had posted earlier in the day. I couldn't recall anything I felt would warrant censorship. Yes, I had made some wise cracks, smart remarks and voiced displeasure at some political antics from the Democrats. I had posted in support of conservative views. And yes, I had discussions with those that read the New York Times as their Bible. That's where I figured opposition would originate if  I had been " reported " as disagreeable. Oh well, I thought, this too shall pass. I do believe that Facebook is a free entertainment and they can block whomever they choose, for whatever reason they choose. It does belong to Zuckerberg after all is said and done. It's his ball and he can take it and go home whenever he likes. I admit I felt inconvenienced in some way. I had to remind myself that it is just an amusement, not a right! The Constitution does not say I have a right to Facebook. 
 I'm thinking now that all in all it was a positive experience. It did give me pause to think about what I had been posting. I was reminded that it is an amusement only, not a lifeline. And I was made aware that it could be withheld from me at any time. Now I didn't come away feeling contrite, no, the feeling was quite the opposite. I felt a bit indignant. I mean, one of those New York Times commentators had remarked, " you sure are a nice guy to be around " I think it was sarcasm but I answered, you're correct, I'm a delight. So you see that's why I took it as an affront! Why would I be censured? But then I did calm myself and it became clear. I had presented facts to support my opinion, facts that were irrefutable to those I was speaking with, I quoted the Times, and that surely angers those folks. They sure hate it when that happens. I can empathize, I've had it happen to me as well. You start talking about something, you don't have all the facts, then the person you're talking with gives you the facts. You protest only to find the next sentence in your reference pointed that out. You didn't read that sentence! Crap, I hate it when that happens.
  Wondering what the source of this censure might be I had to look at the bigger picture. I had to remind myself, Facebook isn't about me, it is about society. Yes, Facebook is a microcosm of our society. A bit bolder perhaps, shall we say less inhibited, but a reflection of what people are thinking and saying. Where do I fit into that society? Had I been censured you would have to say I was rejected by that society. Well at least by the powers that be controlling that society. Is this a reflection of things to come? In the future, will American society censure those that speak out in opposition? Will you be censured for your thoughts? It has begun, on a limited basis. Did we not make laws calling some speech " hate? " Here's what the law says is hate speech, " speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origination, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. " First we must define just what is an attribute? Another word for that is characteristic. So what this law is saying is anytime you attack a persons characteristics, it is hate speech! A serial killer could be said to have the characteristic mentality of a savage. Would that be hate speech? According to the law, yes. Can't say that. You are subject to prosecution. Interesting to note is that gender identity is included as an attribute. In the face of scientific, biological evidence, you can't say a male is a male if he says he is a female. To do so is hate speech! Think about that. To speak the truth is hateful. 
 And so I did figure it out. I hadn't really been censured, prevented from posting by the powers that be, but know why I could be. You have to be careful what truth you tell. If that truth is an " attribute " to whoever, and you speak out in opposition, that's hateful! You can be silenced. Talk about a totalitarian regime. Now it is Zuckerbergs regime I'll give him that, as much as I disagree with his rules, it is his kingdom to rule as he sees fit. But it did open my eyes to a larger threat, the removal of the first amendment. This " hate " speech legislation is a chip in that wall. Censure the media and you censure the public, the society in general. Who is left to legislate? Think about that.  

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