Wednesday, July 3, 2019

repeating the past

 It has been said, history repeats itself. I firmly believe that is the truth of it. I often say, I don't think there is much you can say that hasn't been said before. It is only the ability to say it in a way that others haven't heard it before that gains attention. That's probably the reason for slang, same message, a new way of expressing it. 
 Now I keep hearing the Democrats would give the right to vote to illegal aliens. The Supreme court issued an opinion saying you can't ask about citizenship on the census. Although considered a conservative court at this time that ruling came as a bit of a surprise to me. But then I began remembering my history lesson. When the Constitution was being written and debated the question of slaves was raised. It is one of the five compromises made during that convention. There was the issue of electing representatives from the various states for the congress. It was decided that each state would have two Senators and Representatives would be determined based on the census of each sate. The southern states insisting that slaves be counted in the census. Why would they want that? A larger population would give them more representatives in congress is the short answer. Basically they could " buy " representatives. A better method was needed. It was decided that each slave would count as 2/3 of a person, to satisfy the southern states. That was a portion of the compromise. The electoral college was created as well, to provide a balance between the rural and urban areas of the country. Highly populated states would control the government if representation was based solely on population in the state. A simple Democracy would exist and what was being formed is a Republic. That's also where the two-thirds stuff comes from. Congress must pass legislation by a two-thirds majority! 
 So, for me I see history repeating itself. Now the Democrats want the illegals to vote for basically the same reason they wanted slaves counted in the census. It would mean more votes, more representatives, for their party. Strangely following the civil war those same people insisted the African-Americans should not have the right to vote! They argued they were not citizens, they were only 2/3 of a person! These same Democrats withdrew the promise made of forty acres of tillable land to these freedmen. It was that , that basically created the whole sharecropper thing. The object being to keep African-Americans subservient. As soon as the African-Americans secured the right to vote the Democrats began courting their votes by making promises! That's correct, and today they are pushing for reparations! Imagine that, the Democrats are pushing that agenda. History does repeat itself. 
 Today we have the illegals. The Democrats insist they shouldn't be asked if they are citizens, but they should be counted in the census. Gee, I wonder why they would want that? Couldn't be that they want votes could it? Some states are already issuing drivers licenses and other forms of identification to these folks. They are backed by what documentation? None, they are undocumented! Think about that. Can you get a drivers license without having the proper documents? I had the same post office box for twenty some years. Then I got a letter from the postal service demanding I bring documentation of legal residence in order to retain that post office box. I had to prove who I am! Amazing isn't it? The reason given was some people, maybe illegals, were just getting post office boxes to have an address. Either that or it was the homeless people waiting on government assistance checks to arrive. Whatever, the point is I had to bring proof. 
 The more I hear on the news the more concerned I grow. How is it that we can have other government agencies concerned with law enforcement refusing to cooperate with ICE. They are all government agencies and should work together! It is all the same government! Wasn't too long ago there was much discussion about all of that. The FBI and CIA wren't sharing information and that was a big problem. The local police weren't communicating with the state police, it's an outrage! All of our law enforcement agencies should have clear and open dialogues with one another. Well, except if they don't want to? I fail to understand that logic at all. It ain't my job?
 I guess if entire cities, states even, can declare themselves sanctuaries, anything is possible. I even hear the word succession every now and again. Ever heard of that before? Remember it from history class? On this very day, July the third in 1863, one hundred and fifty six years ago, General Pickett lead the charge up cemetery hill at Gettysburg, Pa. Thousands of Union soldiers died securing the freedom of all Americans, not just 2/3 Americans! Today we have an invading force at the southern border. We are detaining them, not killing them. But what do you hear from the Democrats? They should just be allowed to enter the country, given food, housing, medical care and education! Don'r ask, don't tell! History? Yes it is history repeating, The only thing different are the circumstances, the motive is unchanged.    

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