Monday, July 8, 2019

the goal

 I watched the U.S.  women soccer team win the world cup yesterday. It was a good game, fun to watch and exciting. I did so despite the one dissenter that had to embarrass America and herself on a public stage. I fail to understand why disrespecting our country and our flag makes her, or anyone else feel, like they are making a statement! The only thing you are saying as far as I'm concerned is, I'm an ingrate! But enough on that. She will just fade away now that the game is over.
 I have seen several articles, and the morning news mentioned it, pay inequality! The women's soccer team aren't getting paid the same as the men's team. It's true, there is no disputing that fact. Thing is, it has nothing to do with gender, it has to do with revenue. Athletes and entertainers pay are consummate with their ability to generate revenue. It's as simple as that. That's all there is to it. Still these ladies will each receive about 250,000 dollars. Not bad for playing a game. I don't know what there salaries are over the course of the year. I'm not up on any of that. I just feel if you are talented enough to make a living by playing a game, you are already blessed. I realize it isn't easy, it takes long hours of practice, it takes dedication and sacrifice. But, in the end, when you are doing your job, you have hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of people cheering for you. Now that's something most people will never experience. You might get to be employee of the month and get a temporary parking spot, maybe a gift card to Lowes or something, but a cheering crowd admiring you? I don't think so. It is that cheering crowd, that admiration, that pays your salary! The size of the crowd determines the size of the salary!
 Athletes and entertainers. We are willing to pay a great deal of money to be amused by them. That's the simple truth of it, they are an amusement. There purpose is to distract us from the woes of everyday life. They can serve as role models, well they used to do that anyway. The role of hero has certainly changed in my opinion. The traits being admired today are definitely at odds with what I admired. Yes my heroes had faults, they were human, but they didn't advertise those faults as badges of honor! No, they kept their private lives private as much as possible and the press gave them that privilege. Our perceptions are our realities. As far as I knew Mickey Mantle just played ball, I didn't know a thing about his political views, sexual preferences or world view! Fact is, I didn't care, he was a ball player.
 Now all of that isn't meant in a negative way towards those athletes and entertainers. They are people just like you and I. They have been given a gift and have chosen to use that gift. It doesn't mean that haven't been given other gifts as well. They could be intellectuals as well. The ability to entertain others whether through sports or any other medium doesn't negate that. It's just that I feel if you are going to complain about how much you are getting paid for entertaining others, maybe entertaining others isn't your thing. If a carpenter or mechanic isn't happy with his pay, he finds a new employer! 
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” Maya Angelou 

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