Friday, July 27, 2018


 Forthright sanctimony. That's what I call what I write. And yes I have been called sanctimonious. I can see that and I really can't argue with that opinion. Of course I just see it as being forthright. Another name for that is honesty. You see, I believe you can know the answers without writing them down, so to speak. It is in that, that sanctimonious and forthrightness get confused. Being sanctimonious is viewed as a bad thing, a very bad thing. When I am writing about certain actions that I believe are the correct ones I am not being sanctimonious, I'm being forthright. How do I know these answers? Mostly they come from experience which means I have acted contrary to that advice at some point in time. That's how I know and it gets me gets me labeled sanctimonious! A real catch twenty two isn't it? Well all I can do is be forthright in my opinions and let the chips fall where they may.
 Now this does give me pause. Am I being sanctimonious? I'm thinking that depends upon whether the reader agrees with my statements or disagrees. It is the ones that disagree that usually resort to name calling. I'm thinking when you have no other counter that is the default method. As I recall it was what was employed on the playground. We called those kids " goody two shoes. " They were correct and we didn't like it one bit. I'll just call you names instead of correcting my behavior. Yes it stinks having someone tell you something you already know! It really stinks when you know they are right. It is at that point the " buts " come out, literally and figuratively. You do start hearing, but this, or but that. Eventually the other butt comes out, the ultimate show of disrespect. It may even be suggested that your parents weren't married when you were conceived! Oh that's bad, very bad. And its' all your fault to boot!
 There is one thing that confuses me though. We often hear about the sanctity of marriage. We must never violate that. In so doing wouldn't we be described as sanctimonious? But sanctimonious is a bad thing. See the confusion there? I'm supposed to preserve the sanctity of marriage at all costs but not be sanctimonious? The best way to do that in a marriage is to be forthright. No secrets, no deceit just straight up honest. Hmm, maybe I am sanctimonious after all. I'll just have to ask my wife. 

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