Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It's the strangest thing

 It's the strangest thing really. There are all these folks on the left crying, protesting and moralizing on a daily basis. These folks fight to support a woman's' right to choose. That's what they call abortion, the termination of a life. I have been lectured and accused of being unchristian because I oppose this action. The same people hold parades celebrating deviant lifestyles, insisting that they are perfectly normal. They suggest legislation to prevent a doctor from assigning gender to those children they choose to let live. I've been informed you can't decide gender, you have to ask the child! It has been suggested that because I seen a Latino man with tattoos on his neck and face proclaiming his allegiance to MS-13 I am just prejudiced. I should assume he is a refugee just seeking a safe place to live and raise a family. After all, all Latino people crossing our border are just running for their lives, crossing miles of desert with no water or food. They are dodging the banditos that would rob, kill and rape them. Oh, the humanity of it all.  The bottom line in all of this, their big message, indeed their mantra is " Don't Judge. " Well, except if they are Russians. Especially Putin, Putin is a liar, a crook, a beast. Putin is heading up the largest cyber hacking group in the world and influencing our elections!!!!!  It's the strangest thing, the left is now insisting that I judge Putin. It's the strangest thing, I'm not an American unless I do that. They scoff at the notion that I should even listen to him, indeed the last administration headed by the biggest " liberal " of them all refused to even speak with him. It's the strangest thing really, Bill Clinton, the poster child of the left, had no objections to speaking with the Russians, for a cool half million. It's the strangest thing Chuck Schumer didn't mind coffee and donuts with Putin. But, then I suppose he wasn't speaking to him either.
 It's the strangest thing really, Obama is now claiming he told Putin to, knock it off! That's right, old Barry was talking tough to that Russian dude. He told him to stop. No indictments were handed out, indeed no investigation was conducted, Obama just knew the Russians were interfering with the election process. It was a, gasp, judgement call! Maybe the evidence was on Hillarys' servers, but we'll never know, weren't those servers acid washed? Isn't that what we have been told? IT's the strangest thing, now we have intelligence agencies claiming to have evidence from those servers. Evidence that is detrimental to Trump but nothing on anything Hillary was involved with. It's the strangest thing, all these people that say they will testify and then commit suicide. Yup, it's just the strangest thing.    

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