Thursday, July 5, 2018

a free range nation

 It seems things get a bit more ridiculous every day. I can't believe that I'm hearing otherwise intelligent people calling for the abolishment of the Immigration, Customs and Enforcement agency of the United States. Known mostly by the acronym ICE it has been in existence for 15 years following the attacks of 9/11. Yes, those attacks that we swore we would " never forget " yet many seem to have amnesia today. Really it was just a consolidation of several agencies under the one umbrella. A very logical and reasonable move when attempting to control a situation. And what are we trying to control? The entry into our sovereign nation of those that would do us harm! Basically we are locking the door and asking for credentials before allowing someone in. No different than asking, " who's there " before opening your front door. How anyone can think it is a good idea to have open borders is beyond comprehension. Are you stupid?
 If ICE were abolished we would just revert to what we had prior to 9/11. We had customs, we had the Immigration and Naturalization service and we had law enforcement, as in the FBI. There were other agencies as well. ICE has two major components, Homeland security and the Terrorism task force. I'm guessing it is the homeland security section that all these folks want abolished, or is it the terrorism task force? I mean I don't think anyone really wants to allow terrorists in our country but they don't want any questions asked either. Allow everyone in and figure it out later? Is that the plan? Like I said, how ridiculous can it get? I'll just leave the safe door open, after the money is stolen I'll solve the crime.
 I guess I should have expected this from these folks. And I just don't know who these folks really are, who could be that silly? But these are the same folks that believe if you choose to not enforce a law that makes it legal! Think sanctuary cities and the " legalization " of marijuana for recreational uses. Under federal law, the ultimate law of the land, both those actions are illegal! I don't care if they are enforced or not they remain illegal until removed from the books! Still that's the thinking with some, as long as I can get away with it, its' legal. We tell our children Santa Claus sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're a wake to teach them to do the right thing. Shouldn't we be teaching our children to obey the law whether you like it or not? But some are now teaching their children, abolish the law! No laws, no borders, no boundaries on human behavior. If it feels good just do it! And further isn't that the reason for the removal of God, of any faith in the current narrative. Then we have to answer to no one but ourselves. Then we are not bound to do the right thing at all. We can practice situational morality! And the beauty of that is I can tell those that oppose me it is morally wrong for them to oppose me!
 Yeah well, I'll just stay calm until next week when a new suggestion is offered. I can't imagine what will be next. Let's see, so far the election was rigged, the election was influenced by the Russians and the electoral college should be abolished. Then illegal aliens became illegal immigrants, immigrants, refugees and currently asylum seekers. Some states began issuing drivers licenses to these known illegals in the country and providing " assistance " in the way of my tax dollars. Now these " asylum " seekers are staging protests across the country demanding they be allowed to bring in their extended families without any vetting, any control whatsoever. These people are entering the country illegally and demanding they not be arrested because it is separating them from their families! It just can't get any more ridiculous, can it? A country without boarders? A " free range " nation? What, you want me to pay taxes to who? No, we abolished the IRS last week.
 Home , home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play, where seldom is heard, a discouraging word, and the skies aren't cloudy all day. Sounds great doesn't it. First I heard that song, then I heard about free range chickens and free range parenting. Now I'm hearing we just want free range to do whatever we want, whenever we want to do it, with whomsoever we wish, without restrictions. Throw open the doors!     

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