Sunday, July 8, 2018


 There are times when I wonder what my connection to the universe is. I do believe we are all a part of that. Just how are we connected? Is it through what we call our soul? The soul is energy and can not be destroyed, that I believe wholeheartedly. So it seems the soul would be that connection. But, does the connection define the purpose? That is another question to be answered. We are free to act as we please. The actions we choose define our character. What is our character measured against? What standard is being applied? That is where morality enters the picture. Morality has no standard however, for only I know whether I am acting in a moral fashion or not. Morality is self determined! Man has created religion to instruct us in morality and man wrote the rules. The paradox is the rules come from a higher power, a divine presence in this universe. The precedents of morality are the same across all religious practice, it is the embellishments that complicate the situation. The way man connects to the universe.
 The purpose of faith is to connect ourselves to the universe. I think that is a fair statement to make. To be one with " god. " Being one with " god " allows us to direct our energy to the best advantage for the completion of a task. The real question in all of this is, just what is the task? To what purpose the universe? Never mind about your purpose, let's look at the bigger picture. To what purpose this universe? As far as we know this is the only one, although it is theorized there may be others, parallel to our own. I'll leave that for the theoretical physicists to ponder, I've got enough to think about. If we are energy connected to the universe and that universe is God, just what is God supposed to be doing? Wouldn't God have to serve a bigger purpose as well? Is God the purpose? Just what is the big picture?
 Now my head is starting to hurt. Maybe I shouldn't think about what my connection to all this is and just concentrate of being. Maybe that is the answer. I just am, like the universe just is. I can't really explain the why of either one. It could be I just don't need to know. Curiosity killed the cat is the old saying. This saying was originally, care killed the cat. Care in that instance meaning worry. So maybe I shouldn't be worried about any of that, just accept life for what it is. This life is only temporary anyway. Is the universe a permanent thing? If the universe is God that would certainly be the case. If I am connected to that universe, through the energy of my soul, I too am permanent. I'm just not going to worry about it.       

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