Tuesday, July 17, 2018

It's all good

 Remember back in the 70's when someone, I don't know the author, wrote that book, I'm Ok, you're OK? It was a best seller and the brunt of some jokes as well. I did read a portion of it and joined in the joking crowd. I don't recall a great deal of what the author was saying just that he claimed we all lived in like four states of being. Seems to me he based his thinking on some experiments another person had done with the human brain. They had stimulated certain areas of the brain and recorded the reactions. Old memories and reactions were often the result of this probing around the brain. From that the title I'm Ok, You're Ok was taken, it was also one of the four states you could be in. Me, I'm mostly in the camp I'm Ok, you I'm not so sure about! That wasn't one of the categories he described though! I do believe each of us are unique individuals striving to fit into our society. The push nowadays is to change the society rather than ourselves. That wasn't always the way it was. This book may have been the start of the change in attitude. I'm Ok but you're not was the prevalent attitude prior to that book. It even said so in the book if I remember correctly.
 I think if we were to write a book today it would have to be titled, It's all good! That is what I hear all the time these days. No matter how perverse, how bizarre, how unnatural something is, if it doesn't directly effect me, it's all good! Now the things that effect me aren't good but I won't admit to that because that would require judgement. I can't judge what is good for you, only for me. If you want to use illegal drugs, sleep in an alley, and stay to yourself, its' all good. Just don't bother me, that's not good. But if you are doing something, and then decide it's not good, I am obligated to help you. If I don't, that ain't good. If I help you repeatedly, and you keep on asking for more help, that's all good. Everyone should get a hundredth chance. It's my responsibilty to help you, not yours. You get a choice. Even if that choice means someone has to die, it's a choice, it's all good. Of course you do have to choose to kill that person before they get a chance at life but, it's all good. You should get all the choices you want.
 If I recall the author of that book was a physiatrist. Now I'll be the first to tell you that is a profession I don't place much stock in. It isn't that I don't think those folks are intelligent, well meaning folks, it is just that I feel a good bartender does the same thing. They are all talk most of the time, unless they prescribe some drugs. The bartender may give you a double for the price of one, same concept. It is a field where they constantly change the diagnosis as well. What was a mental issue years ago, today they will say, it's all good! It's a good job though, pays well and the patient isn't cured until you say they are. Well unless insurance and money runs out. Well the guy that wrote that book committed suicide. I remember hearing that on the news. Guess he wasn't okay after all. Hey, I'm not making fun of him, he did have a best seller. I have no clue what drove him to take his own life. It does go to show one thing I have always known, we are each responsible for our own choices. No one else is to blame for what I choose to do. I'm okay, it's the others I have doubts about. Maybe you don't think I'm okay, maybe you think you I need help, but don't worry about it, it's all good. Well, until I decide that it isn't and then there is no telling what will happen.            

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