Wednesday, July 25, 2018

just social media

 I was involved in a bit of a discussion, my fault, I posed a question. I read the responses and responded to those comments. I felt the whole thing was cordial enough. Later, to my complete surprise it was implied that some people get mad about everything. The word used wasn't mad but began with the letter p. It's an expression I've heard all my life, and to be truthful still makes no sense to me. Quite a few declarative statements similar to that also make no sense but that topic is for a different blog. I was just surprised that someone thought I might be angry. The only thing I can figure is one comment I did leave that may have come off as condescending but I assure you it wasn't meant to be. Another individual had remarked that it was just " social " media. My response, perhaps a bit snarky as the kids say today was, social media is part of what is forming our society! What we allow today becomes the norm tomorrow. That's why it is called social media. I went on to say that I didn't want to add to the degradation of society. It was for that reason I objected to what was posted. We are the " parents " for the future and it is a responsibilty. We should care for and raise our society with the same care we do our children.
 Now I'm not upset or angry about any of that. I wonder why people jump to that conclusion these days whenever someone doesn't agree with their opinion. Instead of defending their own opinion they tend to just discredit yours. The problem is the majority of the time they offer nothing of substance as a response. The response is " you're an idiot " or " everyone does it. " Or I hear my favorite one of all, it's no worse than! My immediate response to that is always, shouldn't we be trying for " it's better than " not just it isn't worse than? But I digress in this conversation. It is a frustration when you present facts, just plain verifiable facts, and the facts are rejected out of hand. It appears that many seem to confuse fact and fiction, fact and opinion. And I am aware that this whole thing I am writing is my opinion. That's what blogs usually are, opinion pieces. I remember when that was clearly stated in newspapers and such, this is an opinion piece. That line has surely been blurred today, if not completely erased. The headlines on newspapers and the evening news being somewhat suspect these days.
 The biggest offenders are the memes we see on social media! Each of those has to be carefully scrutinized. Saw one yesterday about Russia having a " potentially " world ending nuclear torpedo! In the comments section people are blaming Trump for it and concerned that Russia is going to destroy the United States. No matter that the headline said it was a world ending device! Guess Russia isn't on this world. That is the type of stuff that annoys me. If we are going to have meaningful discussion shouldn't the meaning be clear? I mean what does that even mean, a potentially world ending torpedo! Look unless you have been living under a rock somewhere your entire life you should be aware. Russia, China, the United States and a few other countries have the nuclear capability to destroy the entire world! We have had that potential since 1945!
  Anyway, the whole thing just leaves me scratching my head. I am concerned for the future of America. If we allow everything in the name of progress, inclusiveness and human compassion what will be the result? I'm not certain I know that answer, but I'm fairly certain it won't be some utopia where everyone is held in high regard and valued as a human being. There will be those that have, and those that have not. That is just as certain as the sun rising in the east. Just a fact.
 Whether you choose to believe that God handed down the commandments or not is entirely up to you. The point being there are ten rules for living that were carved in stone. Scholars tell us they were given to man about the 16th century before Christ. Those commandments are in essence rules or laws, if you prefer that terminology. They are the guidelines for a civil society! And that is my point, we need to have rules, to have boundaries in order to form a society. That is what a society is, a group of people with common beliefs, common goals, and indeed a common morality. Without that you don't have a society. That's true even when that society is just " social media. "
 We all need to remember that the seeds we sow are what propagate the garden. This is true in nature and true in a society. If we allow, condone and accept weeds, the weeds take over the garden. Soon the fruits are spoiled, the garden worthless. 

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