Thursday, July 12, 2018


 I see where Facebook is advertising a campaign against " fake news. " They claim to be taking down bogus accounts and removing posts that are plainly untrue. Whereas I agree that all of that stuff is misleading and annoying,  do we really want to condone censorship? And make no mistake about it, that is exactly what it is. Whenever you remove, alter, or in any way inhibit the free exchange of ideas, you are practicing a form of censorship. Yes, it's kinda a big deal. The intent may be a good one, but censorship isn't!
 Okay, so you say Facebook is a privately owned corporation and you are subject to the terms of usage. Fair enough and I concur. As long as it is plainly and clearly stated in the terms of usage that you may be censored for any and all views, opinions, or statements you make that's fair enough. It is a free service provided for your enjoyment. You can take it or leave it. I can't argue with any of that. So, if you don't want to be censored, don't use Facebook!
 Why did this come about? It came about because people were complaining about the fake news. It came about because people have a tendency to believe what they read, especially when it fits the agenda they currently subscribe to. The old self fulfilling prophecy thing. Well, that and the Russians were buying political ads on Facebook and influencing our elections. All of that started to interfere with profitability and action was required. How to please all the people. We will censor things! You can only tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Problem here is, whose truth? And that is at the core of censorship. Who gets to determine the truth? That is why I say all censorship is bad.
 There was a time in America when it was our spirituality that governed our thoughts and subsequently our speech. In short, it was bad to lie. Today, it isn't bad to lie, it's a mark of success to be the best liar! Alright that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but being creative with the truth is certainly considered an asset. But what happens when we don't want to hear other views and opinions. We censor that. The end result is government governs our speech! Yes, we had to pass legislation to prevent people from hollering fire in a crowded theater, I understand that, and it is a form of censorship. Today we have " hate speech " to govern the same action, ie: prevent people from being idiots. I know, it doesn't prevent anything but is supposed to serve as a deterrent. That is also the purpose of spirituality, to deter us from wrong actions. Both carry consequences! With the government it is monetary or imprisonment, with the spiritual it is eternity. But we are only talking about Facebook here. Facebook is going to determine the truth! Well not necessarily the truth just what they want you to read.
 I'll continue to use Facebook according to the terms of usage that I agreed to. Did you read all of that? I certainly didn't. As far as I know I haven't violated their terms and haven't had anything removed. I'm as equally certain there are those that wish they had, censored me I mean. LOL As far as any fake stuff on there goes, I'll figure that out for myself, thank you very much. My truth may not be your truth that much is certain, and that's alright with me. I know I'm right so that makes you wrong. It can't be wrong to be right! See how that works? I'll do the censoring around here!

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