Wednesday, January 31, 2018

where once we prayed

 A picture I had taken appeared on my " on this day " feature on Facebook. I do enjoy seeing what I had posted in years past, what was on my mind. I have discovered there are a few recurring themes. One of them is religion, faith, belief and the conduct of the same. It is a subject I never tire of discussing and my views have changed little since I was a young man. I don't see that as a bad thing although many will say so. But that is a theme of the modern world, if you don't change your mind or views, you are probably wrong. Me, I call it commitment. I believe you do have to commit yourself if you wish to be successful in the long run. Yes you can make short term advances by making the popular choices but in the long run that strategy seldom works. Consistency in thought and action is what is required.
 Anyway this picture was of a old country church. I just happened to pass this church on my way somewhere. It caught my eye and I stopped to take a picture. I'm certain some photographer has taken a collection of such pictures depicting country churches. I have seen such books of barns and boats. I have stopped several times to take a snapshot when the church moves me to do so. The majority of these churches do not appear to be in active use. At least one is listed as a National Historic Landmark, according to the sign placed there by the state of Maryland. I am struck each time I see one of these churches by a sense of loneliness. The shell is there but nothing remains inside. The voices remain silent and the air is still. What words were spoken there, what joy and sorrow shared ? These are the things that travel through my thoughts when I see these places. A connection, almost a portal to the past.
 In yesterdays posting I wrote briefly of families and the role they used to play in society. These little churches were like small families. They sprouted up in neighborhoods across America. They were among the first buildings erected. The church and the schoolhouse. Both existed for the benefit of the families living there. As the town grew into cities more churches were built. The neighborhoods with greater wealth began building bigger churches. Was that a sign of their piety or their wealth ? I believe a little of both. With a larger church, a larger family, diversity becomes more prevalent. Along with diversity comes change. Change in the practices we keep and the views we adopt. We are now reaching a point were families no longer gather in these places. Perhaps more poignant to me is it appears they are gathering more for entertainment than enlightenment. A theme I wrote about some time back. I asked then, do you go to church as a celebrant or a supplicant ? It is the same division that exists in America today, only the parishioners are labeled liberals and conservatives.
 I see the little country churches as families disappearing. I see the family in America changing as well. How long before that institution fades into the past ? Will families become a source of curiosity ? Certainly we have seen some fundamental changes in the construction of our families. Is this because we can no longer decide upon a blueprint ? Have we changed our minds and methods so drastically that the original intent and purpose has been lost ? Where once we gathered to pray dust and cobwebs now reside. Some, like myself, stop to stare in the windows and wonder. Where has the family gone ? What has caused such a rift in humanity. This is only the tip as I have heard of a church where you are encouraged to bring your gun ! Let that sink in for a while. I have seen " churches " that have a sound stage and the whole service is a staged production. I went to church to be refreshed, not exhausted by jubilation.
 The church, the house of he Lord should be humble and plain. It just seems right. The great cathedrals of the world were constructed to show the power of the church they represented. They were intended to create awe ! Much like the wealthy build mansions to display that commodity the church does the same. I'm not saying God doesn't reside there, for he certainly does, my Bible tells me so.
 The connection to God is an intimate one. That is my belief. The new trend in religion and religious belief is to be born again. It is my belief I was born by the power of the Lord, it is he that places the soul into living flesh. I don't need to be born again. I do need to establish an intimate relationship with my creator. That is the free will I was given, that unconditional love. Those old country churches were certainly intimate settings for worship. Strangely, as a child I never attended a service in a little country church. My church is an imposing stone edifice. It is no where near a country church. So to be honest about all of this, it is just speculation on my part. Just a flight of fancy. Not a longing for what was, but an image of what may have been. A former life perhaps ?  

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