Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Shadows cast

 I slept in a bit this morning and am running late. I'm only late by my own internal clock as I have nowhere to be, the benefit of being retired. I have always considered myself a fairly adaptive person and I have adapted to this idea of retirement without issue. There are times when I question why that should be. I listen to others say how much they miss their job, being productive and all of that. I don't miss working, at all. That is nothing new, I don't remember ever being excited about going to work. Even after twenty years in the Navy I didn't feel regret that it was time to retire and move on. I gave a little speech, as is the custom for retiring members, and I mentioned then they only thing I would miss were the people. Turns out, I'm not missing them all that much either. Truth is I have never kept a large circle of friends and question those that do. In my estimation I'm just a little too honest for that and it tends to turn people off.
 All of that has to do with identifying yourself. That's what I read and hear about a lot these days. I identify as this or that. In the past a man was identified by his job, his chosen vocation. It identified his station and status in society. The whole power and money thing. Women were identified in much the same way although it was usually a vicarious association. We are all familiar with the expression, " behind every successful man stands a woman pushing him forward." As with most analogies and anecdotes there is some truth behind it. That was true during a time when families were the predominant force in society. Think the Rockefellers, Kennedys', and that sort of thing. Their strength was dependent upon the family base. Independent wealth has all but destroyed that model. Today fame and/or fortune is the driving force. Think folks like Beyoncé, Oprah, Bill Gates, and numerous sports figures. These folks are driving what society adopts as acceptable. It is the reason for all these " changes " in fundamental philosophy. Remove families from the equation and the motivation for loyalty, trust and cooperation is removed as well. It's every man or woman for themselves. Heck, we can even change that by saying you don't even need to decide what you are ! We'll call it " identifying.  "
 I do think about this stuff and wonder. I wonder why others find it so important to identify themselves to others ? I think I've always known who I am. I think I learned to accept that many years ago, somewhere in my youth. I can think of no one defining moment, no great revelation, just an acceptance. I also think that is why I am so adaptive. I can get along with just about anyone, for a while. I have learned that circumstance is a transient thing. Give it time, it'll change. I have always known that acceptance is what brings peace of mind. You don't have to like what is, just learn to accept it. That isn't to say you can't work to change it, just that you have to accept the reality first. Once you gain an understanding of the reality you can begin to define the possibilities. Are all things possible ? We can't say they aren't. So we say they are. What are the probabilities ? That is a far different question and not easily answered. Probability exists when some variables are known. We can't see the future and so there is uncertainty. I am one that proceeds on the possibilities. I try to do what is possible for me. Possibilities vary with each individual. Assess the  possible and act accordingly is my advice. You hear people say, don't sell yourself short, but I don't believe that is possible. What that person is saying is, I believe you can do more. It is a perception they have, not to be confused with your own. It is encouragement, not admonishment. We are told since birth to pursue our dreams. I would say, " Dreams are the shadows cast by possibilities. "  

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