Friday, January 12, 2018

Outraged by the obvious

 Has reality become so foreign that many are surprised by it ? What I mean is,  how can so many become so outraged by the obvious. Life isn't always fair ! OMG We need to do something about that, change it, how can we call ourselves civilized ? The world should be a huge commune by now, no one should have to work, or pay taxes, or pay for medical care, why, why isn't all of this free ? No borders, unrestricted access for everyone ! Homes, food and flat screen television with cable and free Wi-Fi for all !
 It is all so very silly. These liberal folks, once grasping reality, are in shock ! They just can't believe it. Yes, it's true that some people make more money than you do and live in bigger houses. Mostly the people you idolize as stars and role models. Yes, it's true that some people have better medical coverage than others ! Shocking isn't it ? And they are not making themselves poor by giving their money or houses away, how selfish is that ? Well, sip your Starbucks and consider this ; maybe they earned it. Whether the way they gained their wealth and success meets your approval or not, they earned what they have. I know, I know it isn't fair, I work too, but don't make as much money as they do. Yeah well, some people are just plain ugly too, that's life. You have to reach for the things you want, quit expecting everything to be handed to you ! Grow up.
 Sexual harassment is a bad thing ! Outraged, I'm outraged that it happens ! I'll wear a black dress and lecture the world about this because no one knows that it is a bad thing. I'm just outraged by the obvious. People harbor prejudices toward one another. Yes, it's true. Some people actually have prejudicial views. What a development, we will just make a law and that'll change ! If it is illegal to think that way, you won't ! It has been pointed out that there are two sexes ! Only two genders ? I don't think so, we'll change that and give you another choice. Why it's outrageous to believe just because I'm biologically a certain gender I have to feel that way. C'mon, feelings trump facts, everybody knows that. Mommy can't tell me I'm a boy ! I'll decide that for myself. And not only that, now the climate is changing ! Well how crazy is that. There are people on the earth and we are changing the climate ! Al Gore said so, it must be true. He did invent the Internet after all. Okay, at first we thought it was just getting warmer but now we know better, it's changing. We have to do something about that, right away. The planet has only been here 4.5 billion years or so and man will destroy it all in twenty five years with a spray can ! Well, that and cow farts ! Drinking Milk isn't such a good idea.
 I could go on with this but you get the idea by now, unless you're a liberal, then you are probably confused. Reality has that effect on liberals. The world doesn't really revolve around what I want ? You don't have to embrace me, give me an award, or even, gasp, agree with me ? Independent thought ? OMG that's so yesterday, so old fashioned. You have to follow the trend, be in style, get with the program ! The government will provide for my every need, all I need do is be a survivor ! Doesn't make any difference at all if I made bad choices, got myself into this situation, all that matters is that I survived ! Yes, I was a crackhead and a criminal but I survived. Yes, I took no action to correct my situation, but I survived. Abortion is legal, but I survived ! I faced a reality and I survived it !!! Now you should take care of me forever and nothing bad can ever happen to me again. Whenever I see reality, I will be outraged. Might even wear a pink hat to prove it. I just heard where the President said a bad word ! Now that's outrageous. Only Hollywood stars and rap singers can say that stuff. Geez, how uncivilized.
 The bottom line here is a simple truth. You can't fix fantasy. Fantasy, by its' very definition is not real ! If you want to fix what is wrong in the world you have to make " real " decisions and " real " choices. In order to do that you must first accept reality. Not just point it out, being outraged by the obvious, but accept it. Then having accepted the reality of the situation make an informed, rational choice based on known facts, not feelings. The world owes you nothing, absolutely nothing. Being a survivor means you get another chance to get it right, take it. It doesn't mean you are owed anything , it means you have been given a gift. 

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