Friday, January 5, 2018


  I have a hard time understanding how you could be a weather man. Surely you have to get tired of always talking about the same thing. And to keep doing it with such enthusiasm as some do is beyond my comprehension. Currently in my area the local weatherman ( meteorologist ) has been dispensing that common sense advice with such conviction as to be scary ! Dress in layers, it's cold outside. The cold is dangerous because it can make you cold ! The wind makes it feel colder than it actually is. You'll feel colder but the temperature isn't colder but you can still get frostbite. That's because it is cold outside. Back in 2014 they were calling this a polar vortex ! Before that it was called a circumpolar whirl. And even before that it was called, winter ! That's right and we all expected it to get cold outside. Ah, for the simpler days when we all understood how that stuff worked. Winter came, it got cold outside and then spring would arrive and warm things up. Yes, I remember looking out the window and determining that it was snowing. Fortunately we can just stay in bed now, check the " first warning Doppler radar " on our phones, and know what's happening. Yup, if it's cold outside you need to wear warm clothing, in layers. Why it is life threatening !
 I have the morning news on as I write. It has been a good fifteen minutes of non-stop reporting that it is cold outside. Yes, really it is cold and that means there could be ice too. And it isn't just outside your door, no, it is the surrounding area too. They have reporters stationed all over to report on that, checking in with the head meteorologist for confirmation. Now, they are reporting that some people even get stuck in this stuff ! Yes, ice and snow can disable your vehicle. It has been reported that extreme cold creates extreme conditions ! Oh, if I had only gone to meteorology school, I would have known that. Thank God for the weather man. And yes, the weather man checked with a respiratory therapist and guess what ? If you have asthma or copd you should cover your mouth when going outside, in the cold weather. Extreme cold is not good for your lungs ! Imagine that, sure is good to be informed isn't it ?
 Well, I guess if you really, really like the weather you would love to talk about it. It is just a subject , in my opinion, that has pretty much been covered before. My news station gives out weather and news every ten minutes. Nine minutes on the weather and one minute of news. I just caught, in the background, that it is going to be cold outside today. Now, we are worried about highs and lows. It's very cold today and in a few days it is going to get warmer. Are you surprised ? Well, the weather is an exciting topic isn't it ? Vortexes and cyclone bombs ! We went from Global warming, to climate change. Yeah, the climate is changing, happens every year.     

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