Thursday, January 11, 2018

Parade Ground Patroits

 I recently came under attack for having medical benefits as result of having retired from the service. Yes, I was told that it was akin to receiving welfare as I didn't pay for it. Hardworking minimum wage Americans and struggling refugees were footing the bill. I had to present a different opinion on that. I explained how I had entered into a contract between the United States government and myself. More specifically, the United States Navy. I agreed to follow all the orders of those appointed over me and they agreed to pay me for those services. That contract included a retirement clause. I fulfilled my end of the deal and so feel I have earned everything I am collecting. This person then continued to quote, to be truthful misquote, portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the Federalist papers, poor Richard's almanac and the New York Times. It was then I realized I was talking to one of those " parade ground patriots. " There has been quite the proliferation of them lately. You know the type. They are the ones that will be first in line to obtain any VA benefit they feel entitled to because they finished basic training, or tell you they tried to join but wasn't allowed. Most of them petitioned congress to gain entry, to no avail.
 I realize not everyone wants to make a career of being in the military. I understand all Vets have a right to proud of their service. I also understand not everyone will qualify for service based on medical conditions and sometimes intelligence. I get all of that. But, having spent twenty years of my life in the service I feel qualified to share my observations. To begin with I have never met a single person that said, I joined to defend the constitution of the United States. No, not one. Yes, we all took an oath to do but that isn't why we joined. I will concede that perhaps there are some, it is just I never met any. Everyone I served with collected their paychecks, went on vacation whenever it was allowed and tried to get out of work whenever possible, just like civilians do. Yes, soldiers and sailors are people too ! Contrary to anything you may seen in Hollywood films or heard rousing speeches about everyone in the service are not of the mindset, For God and Country ! Nope, for the most part it is about getting through the day. It is about what do I want and what do I get. When they feel they are not getting what they want, they leave. That's just how it works.
 Having said all that I want to say something more. I get real annoyed with these Parade Ground Patriots. They are patriotic only when it suits them, when there is something to be gained. Oh, I'll drag out my uniform and be in the parade alright, yes I am a combat hardened veteran and fought for your freedoms ! That's why I did it ! It was for you ! Yeah, you know who you're talking to right ? I'm not buying that bucket of slop. Save it for the ladies at the bar, Bub. And then you have those that never served. Oh, I believe you, you tired so hard to join, it was practically your lives ambition, but they just wouldn't let you. You had to go to therapy to get over the heartbreak. You so wish you could have joined. And so now you stand watching the parade waving your flag and are oh so patriotic. That lasts about as long as the parade. Then I am told I didn't earn those benefits, you are paying for them. Hardly.
 Yes, it annoyed me. I am proud of my service and have even been in a parade. I felt a little foolish doing that I have to admit. I have been asked to say a few words at several Veterans ceremonies and am always happy to do so. I guess you could say I was just never one much for the parade ground. I prefer doing what I have to do and moving on. Not everyone in the service is a hero ! I'm no conquering hero or anywhere close to that. And that is a pet peeve of mine, all this hero business. Give me a break. Calling everyone that ever served in the armed forces a hero is like handing out a participation trophy ! It really doesn't mean a lot now does it ?
 As you probably surmised by now I don't hold these Parade Ground Patriots in very high esteem. A lot of talk and a big show mostly. It doesn't make any difference to me if you served two years or forty years you are a Veteran. Fact is you only have to serve 90 days of active duty to qualify for that designation. Some perform heroic acts of bravery in the course of doing their duty, most won't have to. Whatever the case may be I'm certain of one thing, no one ever jumped up on the battlefield and hollered, for the fourth amendment, charge ! Sounds good after the battle is won though. Looks good on the parade ground too.
 I feel better now. Thanks for reading.  

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