Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Continuing On

Fourteen years ago today we all breathed a big sigh of relief. Do you remember why ? It was Y2K and all the computers were supposed to crash. The financial markets would be thrown into chaos and all our high tech electronics could freeze up. It was a real concern and much was made of it. Hours of testing was done but the uncertainty remained. Of course the year came in, as always, and nothing happened. I'll tell you the truth I was never really worried about it. Perhaps if I had millions of dollars at stake I would have had a different attitude. The hundred dollars or so in my checking account I just took a chance with ! 
Two years ago it was the Mayan apocalypse. Now that was touch and go. We made it though. And that brings us to 2014. I haven't heard of any big problems looming on the horizon for this year. The Chinese say it is the year of the horse. The horse represents speed,nobility and perseverance. Those born during the year of the horse are supposed to be good speakers. I was born in 1953 the year of the water snake. I was born near the water and surrounded by it growing up. I did join the Navy. Maybe I should have been Chinese. But I'm not, I'm Anglo Saxon and was born under the sign of cancer the crab. There is a connection there to the water but a crab ? Good to eat, but not very pleasant fellows under ordinary conditions. And then there is the whole cancer thing, that can't be good.
Now I'm looking at the calendar and it is saying 2014. Wow, that seems strange. I can not understand why that it seems so, after all, I knew it was coming. I am not surprised to be here. I think we all count on being here. I must say I like the idea of fourteen better than thirteen. I'm not a superstitious type but thirteen isn't a favorite number. Fourteen holds no special significance for me. 
Man has always counted the passing of time. Whether we used seasons, moons or whatever we have attempted to mark the passage of time. The whole issue is we don't know when the beginning was or when the end is. In  our own lives we can count the days. In history we can only guess. Man has a need to assign time to everything. I expect that happened after the first realization of nightfall. Will it get light again ? Then with the seasons it happened again. Will it get warm or cold again ? How long will this last ? All this concern about time can create a sense of urgency. We need to hurry up and make sure we are ready for what comes next. There are those of us that do adopt the wait and see attitude. The ,one day a time , approach is widely supported for overcoming obstacles. Others will plan out the year. Myself, I'm somewhere in between the two. I do feel the passage of time and it as my Mom always says, the older you become, the faster the time goes. Guess it is like a roll of toilet tissue, it does go faster near the end. I'm thinking I got plenty left. No need to be in a big hurry. I'm thinking I'll just wait and see what the year brings. Maybe do a little reading and do a little writing. I got a feeling fourteen is gonna be a good year. 

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