Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thoughts on life and death

The mystery of death frightens us all, but why should that be ? In death there is no pain. Pain is a physical thing. Our bodies are nothing more than vehicles, vehicles of the soul. When they have carried our soul its' allotted time on this plane it's function is complete, and so it dies. Our souls do not. Perhaps it is this fear of death that makes us question life so much. We want to know why we are here. What is the purpose ? The purpose is much too vast for us to comprehend is my thought. Our lives here on this earth are no more than a breath in the life of the universe. The souls journey is infinite. Our soul stretches across time and space. That is why we can,at times, be aware of both past and future. That is why our spirits soar when we do right and fall when we do wrong. There is a celestial compass. Does this compass have a name ? The better question is , does it require a name ? It requires it in only so much as a reference. A matter of convenience.
We can not know our purpose. To know that purpose, the full intent, would be counter productive. If we did know, or could become fully aware, then we could by action or inaction effect the outcome. Or is that too a part of the plan ? I do believe I am here to serve a higher purpose. It is not my place to question that place but it is my place to fulfill it. If I pay attention to my celestial compass, and listen to the lessons of my heart, I will accomplish my part.
Wanting to know is an act of selfishness. It is not a favorable trait. We should not do this because of something we may receive in return, we should do it because it is what is right. If that lesson sounds familiar that is because it is. We are all taught this from childhood. The major religions of the world teach us this as well. It is a difficult thing however. This desire to know and understand our purpose, our very existence drives us forward. Man needs to know. Man is a selfish creature by nature. This need to know has given us all the knowledge and advancements we have achieved over the centuries. The question remains however, have we used this knowledge for the betterment of all ? Have we been selfish with our knowledge. And in the end to what use is this knowledge ? Where does it fit into the plan ?
This is something that is going to require more thought. I think we should spend more time contemplating these things and that will lead us, individually, to inner peace. I do think the destination is different for each of us. We are not all on the same path or at the same point in our journeys. Some souls are very old and some are new. Another mystery to be contemplated. If the souls never dies why would some be new and some old ? Wouldn't they all be old ? Perhaps it is just that some souls go through a period of zero growth due to the selfishness of the host. But who then decides what body will be the host to what soul ? Is that the free will that we are told we have been granted ?
Life is both complex and simple. Someone said, the value of our lives is measured by what we leave behind. Sounds like an unselfish act to me.

“Everyone must leave something behind when he dies . . . Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die . . . It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away.” 
― Ray BradburyFahrenheit 451

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