Monday, January 27, 2014

The next step

This morning I find myself resting my mind. I have been fortunate in that several people left remarks and discussion on my blog yesterday. And so I need time to digest their thoughts. It is very pleasing to realize that something you write sparks a conversation. I should qualify that by saying, a pleasant discussion void of anger. I am always eager to hear the thoughts of others. I am not eager to fight about it ! The things I write about are my thoughts. I understand you may not think the same way. I do not write as a contest, for some things there are no right and wrong. The challenge for me is to write something of interest to others. It is not to be right or wrong. It is way too simple to just make controversial statements and start an argument. Anyone can do that. The real challenge is to inspire others to think.
I make no claims about the validity of my thoughts other to say, they are valid to me. I will say they are subject to change. We should never allow our minds to become stagnant. They require refreshing on a regular basis.
I have heard it said that life is a journey. Each journey begins with a single step. We must choose the path. The real question , the one we all would like the answer to is, what is the destination ? It is the destination that should determine the choices. I would have to say we alter our destination throughout our lifetime. The things we want as a child are far different than what we want as an adult. Throughout our adult lives we adjust the destination. But how can that be when we do not know the final destination ? The answer for some will be, there is no end, but life everlasting. That is certainly the most desirable option. For some life ends with death and that is all. And there are those that believe in fate. Those that say our destinations are predetermined. I find that hard to reconcile with the whole free will aspect. If that where so I have no choices at all. That idea doesn't sit well with me. I like to believe I have some influence in the grand scheme of things. I must serve a purpose. 
But I am resting my mind this morning and so will continue this discussion at another time. To those of you that added to yesterdays discussion, I thank you. 

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