Saturday, January 18, 2014

Just some thoughts

We really are the products of our environments. I was thinking about the time and place where I was raised. That time and place pretty much defines who I am. It is where I was taught morals and values. My social attitude and beliefs come from there. Sure they have been changed,refined and altered a little bit over the years, but the core remains the same. I came from a blue collar family. In my family higher education came second to being able to actually perform a task. Oh sure, good grades were encouraged and  " book learning " was a good thing but doing was the acid test. Talking didn't get the job done. Explaining how or why something worked was alright, but just doing it was better. Physical strength was valued over mental agility. Fact is, I was told there were a lot of educated fools out there. The reality is all a matter of perceptions. There is a little bit of truth,myth and legend associated with all this. That is why people will sometimes start claiming a heritage or identify with a group that has increased in popularity. The old jumping on the band wagon syndrome.
I do wonder if I had been raised in a different environment what my life would be like. What if I had been encouraged to pursue academics instead of learning a trade ? What if I had gone on to College and received a degree. What would I be doing ? I really can't imagine that. Everything I know is based on the things I learned as a child. Everything I am I learned from my contemporaries. They were blue collar folks just like me. Birds of a feather and all that. I do not feel like I was made to be anything. I chose what I wanted to do. I'm just saying that my environment was the major influence. I do think the expectations of my parents were consistent with their values. Their values did not include academics. There values are grounded in the grass roots. Such was their lot and that was transferred to me. I'm sure I have done the same with my own.
The question I find myself asking is , is there unrealized potential waiting inside of me ? The answer is , of course there is. There is potential in each of us that we may never realize, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I think we just have to be willing to explore those avenues. Take a chance and put it out there. It is easier to say than to do. I certainly don't want to look foolish. I have found that the older I get, the more willing I am to try though. Hopefully I am losing some of the pride of youth. It is that pride, at least for me, that has restricted me somewhat. That and the acceptance of rejection. It takes time to learn that it is okay if others do not like your work, whatever that work may be. It is the enjoyment of doing the work that is of importance. I have heard it said that youth is wasted on the young.I understand exactly what that means. Wisdom does come with age, to most of us anyway. But perhaps our " golden years " are intended to explore all those golden opportunities we had as a youth. The opportunity of examining ourselves and our motivations. Our lasting contribution to society is not material things. Not money,buildings or property of any kind. Those things will eventually fade and go away. Our contribution is the values, morals and beliefs that we pass to the next generation. The thing is , it is usually the grandchildren that receive the benefit of this wisdom. That is the function of age. Every other generation, a sort of balance. You could say a balance to the thinking of your youth. Remember when you knew all the answers ? I remember when I thought I did, and now I find myself just scratching my head. I am more considered in my responses these days. I am open to more possibilities.
Just what is the message I am trying to tell here ? I'm not sure I can answer that question. These are just a sharing of some random thoughts. Maybe you will find something useful in here, maybe not. My hope is that you do. It would seem like wisdom is wasted on the old folks ! I know I sure could have used some of these insights years ago. Oh well, maybe I'm a slow learner.

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