Thursday, January 16, 2014

Being American

I have been thinking lately about happiness. It seems to me the majority of the population is just not happy anymore. At least I hear a lot of complaining; about just about everything. I don't need to go down the litany of woes we all face each day, they are obvious. I was thinking we could start on a path to being happier if we all just agreed on one basic premise. We are all Americans ! That's right I said Americans. Not We are of native american heritage, African descent,European  or whatever. We are all Americans.
Yes it is nice to know about your ancestors. There are advantages to having that knowledge. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that heritage. When the forefathers came to this continent they at first tried to remain European. That whole deal didn't work out too well and we determined to form our own nation. We were no longer Europeans, we became Americans. After that the rest of the world wanted to immigrate to America. No one said I want to immigrate to European America. Yes I know a certain group of Africans were brought to America against there will. Thing is, they have had two hundred years to go back to Africa if they so choose, or just be an American. No it hasn't been an easy path for them and there are still prejudices but it is getting better.
What I'm trying to say here is we all need common ground. America and being American is that ground. That is what this nation was founded upon. Just as you share things in common with your closest friends so should we all share the commonality of being American. That does not mean we do not like anyone that isn't American. That doesn't mean we do not allow people to immigrate to our country, that's kinda what America is, the melting pot of the world. Yes we are made up of different nationalities but we are Americans. Were is that pride ? I hear a lot of people claim the American heritage when they want the protection of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I hear it when they start quoting from the Declaration of Independence. That quickly changes however when it is more convenient to be something different. When some sort of perceived advantage is to be had they quickly become a " hyphenated " American.
So just what is an American ? The answer to that question is not an easy one. How to define a nation ? I think we all have ideas about what an American is. These are good ideas and models for the world. All the good adjectives could be used to describe an American. We are kind,generous,freedom loving,fair,hard working and self sufficient ! What self sufficient ? Well maybe not so much anymore. And there are groups of Americans now that are can we say are less than hard working ? And just how did that come about ? Maybe it has something to do with the American Identity. Have we lost that identity ? I think we are in danger of doing so but we can reclaim it. It starts with you and I. I am an American. My grandmother was Swedish, I'm not. My grandfather was German, I'm not. I've got a family tree of over five thousands ancestors that I know of and could probably lay claim to just about every nationality there is. I'm an American. I'm happy about that.
Hey, it's a start.

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