Friday, January 24, 2014

Enjoying Life

Yesterday I was writing about happiness. I wanted to add a few thoughts more I have on that subject. I feel like happiness is really contentment. I do think it is a habit that you can form. In addition I would add I think an examination of the things that make you happy is in order. Just what are the things that bring you lasting happiness ? Those are the things I am growing more concerned with. When we are young we think getting a gift makes us happy. When you reach a certain age, giving the gift becomes far more pleasurable. And then you discover the gift doesn't even have to be a thing. Seeing a smile on the face of a grandchild makes me happy. An old photograph and a memory shared. Just to go through a day without any drama, brings me happiness. A hot cup of coffee at the end of the day and being able to say, it was a good day. That is happy.
If you tie your happiness to material things, and the moods of others, you will often be disappointed. If you continually measure your own happiness by judging the happiness of others, you will be sad. By allowing the external to influence the internal, conflicts will arise. We can not control the actions of others anymore than we can control the weather. To allow others to decide your own happiness is just foolishness.
So what I wanted to add to yesterdays thoughts was this,examine the things that bring you happiness. Are they selfish ? They should be, to a point. They shouldn't infringe upon the happiness of others but, there is nothing wrong with something being just for you. Maybe it is reading a book or writing a poem. Doing a craft or cleaning the house. If you take an honest look at those things that make you smile, you will begin to see the path. When you begin to enjoy your own happiness it spills out and is shared with others. That is just a natural occurrence. We all know at least one person that we describe as, a happy person. We may think they are different or eccentric, or other adjectives not so flattering, but we still think of them as happy. That is not a bad descriptor to be labeled with. Happy. Contented. Lends an air to being in control of ones life, doesn't it ? We have a choice. Where we choose to make that happiness determines the outcome of success. Just like real estate, it is all about location. Live within the framework of morality and decency. Build upon a strong foundation. It is alright to be content. It doesn't mean you have no ambition, it does mean you have achieved a goal. Enjoying your success does bring contentment. 

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