Tuesday, January 14, 2014

School-Time Continuum

Well the time thing got me again. Kinda caught me off guard as it where. I was browsing the postings on my Facebook page, yes, sometimes I just browse, and saw one about a high school class reunion being planned. I remembered my own class having one, seems recently, and I was unable to attend. Anyway, this was to be their fortieth . The class is from my old high school and they said it was the class of '75. Class of  '75 ? Wait a minute I was the class of '71 and the class of '75 is having a fortieth reunion ? How can that be ? They were still in middle school when I graduated. Those " kids " can't be that old, can they ? Dang, there it is , that time thing again. Now just how did those years slip past ? I just had to stop and scratch my head on that one.
I've written about this before, this phenomena of time. When you are young a week seems like forever and time just speeds up from there. When we were in high school a few years difference in age seemed like an awful lot. A senior compared to a freshman was like two different worlds. Us "seniors", and I didn't know how prophetic that term would become, thought underclassman were just that, under us ! A difference in age of just three years was a big deal back then. If I'm seventeen I'm certainly not dating a fourteen year old. I have now reached the age were it takes ten years to even notice a difference in ages. Fifty,sixty, what difference does it make ? Does when you see it on paper, or on the screen. Just how could this class of '75 have graduated forty years ago ?
It is funny how time slips away. That is the title to a song, and true words as well. In my mind the class of '75 are just some kids. When I travel back to 1971 and think about it, they weren't even in the same building as my class. We were in the new high school building. The first class to graduate from that building in fact. I haven't been back there since and so that building remains unchanged in my memory. Could it be that that many classes have graduated from that same building ? The " new " school is now the old high school, the school that Grandpa went to ! The one with blackboards. When you had to go to the library instead of Google ? That school ?
Every once and awhile something likes this happens. An innocent posting and one met with excitement for some. The posting was a whole different thing to me. Holy crap ! The class of '75 having a fortieth year reunion ? Just what is that posting saying about me, the class of '71 ? Doesn't seem possible somehow. Well I'll go with the whole time is relative theory. In this case time just doesn't apply. Darn kids. Class of '75 indeed.

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