Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans day. On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour the armistice was signed. The war to end all wars was over. Except it didn't last all that long. Germany wasn't happy and wanted redemption. And here we are today. History and I love it. But today is a day that has been set aside to honor our veterans, all veterans past and present. All too often the word veteran is used and we think, no longer on active duty or deceased. Truth of the matter is, serve ninety consecutive days of honorable service and you are a vet. Well, the service doesn't even have to be honorable to earn the Vet title, just to qualify for the benefits.
Since the time I joined the Navy back in 1971 I have seen it go up and down in popular opinion. The mid seventies were a very bad time for veterans. Mostly for Vietnam veterans but all vets caught some flak. Right now us Vets are riding a tide of popularity. The yellow ribbons are out in full force. It is cool to thank a Vet and all that. A sense of pride has been restored to the profession.
I can only speak from my own experience. I didn't serve the country out of an overriding sense of patriotism.It was a job that needed doing. It was also a job I could believe in. The benefits were good and the job itself honorable. What more could you want ? More money would have been great but isn't that true of any job ?
On Veterans day I remember and honor all those that have served before me and with me. I honor those that are serving now. I thank them all. We often say that our Veterans are the guardians of freedom. We are/were the warriors for that cause. Yes you could say we guard the freedom ! I am proud to count myself among those that have done so. But those freedoms we hold so dear are the responsibility of each and every citizen. Collectively we must all work together to preserve them. As a veteran I can say I have done my part both by my service, and by my continued support of the process. The civilian part of the process is support and exercising your right to vote. I look upon those as duties as much as any duty I performed. It takes effort and a degree of commitment. I appreciate the handshakes and the Thank You's. That is not what I served for however. I served so that we may live free and that freedom comes with obligations. I will continue to strive to fill my part of this bargain. Please do your part as well. That is the Thanks I want !  

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