Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God,Government and the Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The golden rule, we all know it and all agree it should be a guiding principle in our lives. No exceptions to the rule ! One could go as far as saying that this one rule sums up what God says. And not just the Christian God, but any such deity one chooses. They are all basically the same philosophy. Should not government do the same ? Government should apply equally to all members of the society. The government should do unto itself what it imposes upon the people. It would appear to me that our Congress and Senate has either forgotten the golden rule or is now choosing to ignore it. When the founding fathers spoke of the separation of church and state there intentions were not to abandon God altogether. I think we can all agree that the golden rule ( Gods law ) should apply.
The most immediate example of this I see is this ' affordable care act ". A puzzling bit of legislation. It is what is best for the American people yet, Congress, and the Senate, and the Executive branch, and their aids are exempt from it. An exemption from the Golden rule ? Or is the rule being rewritten to say, impose upon the population what you yourself do not want ?
The golden rule is God. The removal of God from government allows actions like this to take place. The American people are being duped into thinking that this comes under the guise of freedom. But it is our freedom that is being taken away. The freedom of choice. Yesterday I posted what appeared to be a simple thought. " The trees lose their color one leaf at a time. " The leaves I was thinking about are our freedoms. The color of the nation is changing. I, of course, am not speaking of color in the literal sense. The laws that protect and nourish our freedoms are being modified, reinterpreted and in some cases abolished altogether. The loss of these laws ( leaves ) will strip the country bare unless action is taken. We must keep fertile the soil of freedom. The best means available to us is the vote. We the people have the power of the vote if we but exercise it. And in the exercising of this vote we must all apply the golden rule. Any of those that by their words or deeds are contrary to that rule, must be eliminated. Vote them out of office.
There are many other leaves changing color in our nation. It is not just this imposition of an ill gotten universal health care plan. Code for a Socialist agenda. In the founding of our Republic is was made clear. Government shall not impose any specific religion upon the people. They did not say, no religion ! A government of the people, by the people shall not perish. What is the best government for the people ? The Golden Rule seems like a logical choice.

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