Thursday, November 14, 2013


The name given to us by our parents effects who we are. At least I think it does. I got my fathers name, so become a junior. I was never called junior however, I was referred to as little. Even as a kid I didn't like that much. My " official " name is Austin Bennett Reichart, Jr. I have never been called Austin , except by an occasional teacher until I corrected them. I was Little Ben to my family and Bubba to my father. Why he always called me that I just don't know, but he did. To most others I was known as Benny. I hadn't really really given that any thought until recently. I joined a group on Facebook called hometown connect. On there I reconnected with some high school classmates. Some of those classmates I was close too and others we were more of acquaintances. In their responses to me most call me Benny. I chuckle because I haven't been called Benny in years. At some point in my life I became just Ben. I'm pretty certain I chose to be called Ben. I think most male names ending in " ny " the " ny " part gets dropped. Danny becoming Dan, Donny Don and so on. More masculine that way. I did know an adult man named Benny and he went by that. It fit him well. I wonder if Benny fit me in high school and would it fit today ? Does your name fit who you are ? My real name of Austin would seem to me to be a better choice for myself at this time in my life. If I could have chosen back then, knowing what I know now, I think I would have chosen Zebulon, Zeb for short. I have an ancestor that was named Zebulon. It was also the name of the Grandfather on the Waltons. I would have a middle initial, B, but it wouldn't stand for anything. It would just be Zebulon B. Reichart. I like that name. The initials are cool too, Z.B. R. Distinctive.
I have written before of the name thing. I do wonder if I hadn't been little Ben, Benny or Bubba would I have developed a different personality ? I believe with that name, came an unconscious need to be that name. And that name was my father. I tried to be like him. You could say all little boys want to be like their father but I don't believe that. Some of my friends certainly didn't. I will say that most adopted some of their fathers attitudes about core issues in life, but not all wanted to be him. There was a time when I wanted to walk like him,talk like him and really be him ! He was larger than life to me when I was young. That did change as I grew older and began to see chinks in the armor. I discovered he was just a man after all. A disappointment and a relief. He was definitely an influence and that influence was somehow tied to the name. He was Ben !
Actors change there names to sound more appealing. Think of John Wayne, Marion ( his real name ) just wouldn't cut the mustard now would it ? Wouldn't it be cool if we could just change our name whenever it suited us ? I mean, really change it. You get up in the morning and your Facebook account now says, Zebulon and all your friends and contacts are calling you Zeb. You go to work and are greeted with, Morning Zeb. All memory and traces of Ben, Benny or Bubba is gone. Maybe it should be a law. Once you reach a certain age you must then pick a suitable name for yourself. You could keep what you already have or choose another. What would you do ? Do you think the choice of a name effects a childs' development ? I guess we will never the know the answer to that question. I can't see a way to conduct an experiment to test that theory. Well I suppose if I wasn't Ben, Benny or Bubba I would never have thought of this at all so I have the right name after all, or do I ? What would Zebulon have to say about that ?

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