Saturday, November 2, 2013


Time for the big soccer tournament. A two day event here in Caroline County. The weather is predicted to be quite nice for this time of the year.The fields have been striped and the concession stands erected. Let the games begin.
The tournament does have a festival atmosphere. The children and adults all excited and anticipating the action. Some families having children playing in different age groups at the same time. Mom watching one and Dad watching the other. Occasionally playing against each other. All the drama and pathos one could want from a sporting event. My grandson's team must play three games today. They need to win two to advance to tomorrows rounds. Grandpa gets tired just watching them play. How those kids manage to play three times in one day is a testament to youth. An inspiration ; almost. Don't think I'll take up the sport myself.
My grandson has gotten to be quite interested in this game of soccer. Hr follows a team from some foreign country. I'm not well versed in all of this but I'm assuming it is the major league of soccer. He likes playing goal keeper. His ambition is to become a referee. In the Caroline County League teenagers can attend classes and become certified to do that. He'll be signing up as soon as possible. Soccer has replaced baseball for him. I admit I tried to get him to play baseball and be a New York Yankee fan. He does like the Yankees but just wants to play soccer. Time does change things. Soccer is a big thing now. I don't remember anyone paying attention to it when I was a kid.
My dream of coaching the next Babe Ruth is fading fast. Guess he isn't into that. But there is always Pele ? Didn't he play soccer and wasn't he a superstar ? I'll have to study up on this stuff. I bet they have one of those books for dummies about this subject. Need to read that for sure. For now though I'll just watch from the sidelines. Although not the official name for the team ( long story there ) I'll still be routing for the Squirrels ! GO SQUIRRELS !

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