Saturday, November 9, 2013

One Smart Animal

I have not listened to Billy Grahams final sermon. His family believes that it is going to be so anyway, and perhaps it will. I did listen to snippets of it and am anxious to hear more. I admit to not paying a lot of attention to the Reverend over the years. He has always been a figure to me, a sort of Reverend to the country. At least that is the way I always thought of him. His message and his influence has been immeasurable.The small amount I did hear, he was speaking of the movement in America away from God. I would have to agree with him on that account. I can see this happening.
From this point on the words I write are my own thoughts and not the Reverend Graham. I have heard little more than what I said so please don't attribute anything I say to him, or accuse me of taking his thoughts either. I am just grasping onto his thought of the movement away from God.
We certainly hear a lot about the separation of church and state. I will not try to define it as constitutional scholars do not seem to be able to do that. The interpretation of what the foundings fathers said and /or meant is highly subjective. Their own beliefs are just as subjective. Do we really know their thoughts ? Doubt it, and think it is a bit presumptuous to think we do. Be that as it may, I won't address that issue.
Now whether you like it or not you cannot deny there is a movement away from the teachings of the Bible. We speak of personal liberties and freedoms to justify these actions. The denial of the existence of a God altogether is common. Atheists complain of being offended by those who pray. Laws are being written and the Supreme court is currently ruling on the legality of praying before town meetings.
I wonder why the mention of God, and belief in a God is becoming so unpopular. Why should you be offended by that ? Whatever you choose to believe is your business. It is only when I attempt to impose my beliefs upon you that it should become a problem. Some complain it makes them feel uncomfortable when others publicly pray. Well perhaps it makes me uncomfortable when you do not.
We can not deny the facts. The United States of America is in a state of deterioration. Crime, poverty, and civil unrest is growing. The more we insist upon the idea of no God in government the worse it becomes. A coincidence ? I don't think so. I say that because God to me is synonymous with morality. The removal of moral behavior leads to decay. It really is as simple as that. A simple truth that needs no explanation. The concept of heaven or hell notwithstanding it is only through the exercise of good moral behavior that a society can exist. I have often said it and will continue to say so, you cannot legislate morality ! Write away you lawyers, it can not be done. Morality springs from the heart of man. When a society allows the abandonment of morale behavior under the guise of freedom, that society is doomed to failure. How can it be otherwise ?
One may choose to label these behaviors. Call them God, Jesus, Buddha, or whatever name suits you, the behaviors are unchanged. It is the teaching of the behavior that is of primary importance. You can not just write a law or rule about it. Didn't someone say laws are meant to be broken ? And there is truth in that when there is no moral consequences. Do not people commit crimes because of a lack of morality on their part or because of a false justification for the action ? The whole Robin Hood dilemma ?
So just how do we decide upon what behaviors are moral ones and which are not ? Now that is the real discussion we should be having. The true issue at hand. Deciding upon that is the discussion of the existence of a God/Creator/Higher Power than ourselves. Should we decide that there is not, what follows ? Anarchy that's what, every man for himself. If there are no lasting consequences for our actions why not just do whatever you feel ? Whatever action suits your mood or circumstance at the moment. To what purpose would you dedicate your life ? Making money or having a good time ? If that were the case than man is nothing more than a really smart animal ! I can not be content with that explanation. Can you ?

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