Monday, November 4, 2013


The question of why is really a question of motivations. What was the impetus for a person, or a nation of people to act. Great moments in history have occurred when large groups of individuals share a common motivation. One person acting alone has also made large impacts in history. Understanding their motivation for those acts is the study of history. All too often the memorization of the dates, times and events are confused with knowing history. It is not, that is just remembering facts. It is the understanding of the underlining factors that lead up to the action that is of importance. Only by understanding those motivations can we prevent further mistakes or inspire new actions. Then we can learn from history.
A study of history is a study of the big picture. Yes there are many,many subsets to this study of history. One can spend a lifetime studying in just one area, but in general, all history is relevant. It is in this big picture that the real knowledge lies. The real reasons are revealed. I would not suggest that I am a historian. I would not claim to have a broad knowledge of the actions of mankind. I do think I can see the cause and effect however. From my humble position in the world I can observe. I have drawn some conclusions.
Money is the great motivator. Some would say power, but money is power, so the point is mute. It has always been the escape from perceived oppression and the desire for their own betterment that has inspired the great movements in history. Religious fervor has been used many times as a motivation. The goal was not religion itself, but it was the fuel. Consider the crusades. What was their stated purpose ? To recover the Holy lands. But what was the real reason ? To secure the trade routes so money could be made. The American revolution. No taxation without representation ! Why that is just tyranny !
Looking back over the centuries the plot remains pretty much the same. I have concerns for what is happening right now. Money " power " is rearing it's ugly head once again. The disruption in this country that I love has got me nervous. A major shift in the money base is happening. We should all be concerned and guarding against being falsely influenced to action. We need to examine our own motivations. Are the choices we are making, or at least tacitly endorsing, good for the future or just a patch for today. Are we willing to sacrifice and make the tough decisions ? The time is fast approaching when we must decide. History is an accurate indicator, infallible in it's truths. Think about that before the next election. We must look at the big picture, the overall scheme. Putting all other issues aside for a few minutes we should focus upon the main goal. The main goal, the number one priority, must be the preservation of the republic. If we lose that, all is lost and we succumb to history. Heady stuff to consider I know, but it must be considered. If we have learned nothing else from history we have learned Money is the great motivator, for good or evil.

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