Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A good talking to

At one time I took a course in sales. This course was taught by a psychologist. The title of the course was aptly named, the Psychology of the sale. The main theme was teaching you the five steps to the sale. The first step being conversation. Just start talking, being real friendly like. The object of this conversation was to awaken the curiosity of the person. To get them asking questions and interested in your product. When they asked a question you were to respond with conviction ! Using phrases, like you can, you will and if you qualify. Once you got them wanting whatever it is you're selling, bam, close the deal. That's it in a nutshell and with that technique you can sell just about anything. Of course some people are more successful at it than others, some people just seem to have more credibility. Funny how that is though, those are the ones you really gotta watch. They will sell you anything.
I was thinking about this and how it applies in our own lives. The most important part of this sales pitch, I believe, is conviction. You must be convinced. For whatever action to succeed you most be certain the course is the right one. Well, at the very least you must be certain you want to try. Conviction leads to commitment. And it is this commitment to action that gets things done. When we find ourselves just sitting on the fence it is because of a lack of conviction. This conviction creates the desire.
You do have to guard against convincing yourself of what you want, and not what you need. That applies to the financial things in life but not necessarily the intangible ones. To support or begin a cause of some kind does require conviction, but it does not necessarily mean it is something you need. The thing is it is something you have to want, to the point of need. Sometimes a very difficult distinction to make.
I do think that if you have to sell yourself on an idea you probably shouldn't do it. I have found that giving myself a good talking too often clears my head. A good talking to implies perhaps bad choices or decisions. Remember when your Mom would give you a good talking to ? Just because you become an adult doesn't mean you shouldn't get one every now and again, even if you have to do it yourself. I do and often find this conversation has done its' job. It has left me curious, why or what was I thinking about. Not everything I want to do or think about is a good idea. This is the part where I'll find I really don't want or need whatever it was. I have psyched myself out ! And most times that is a good thing.
Successful people are convinced they will succeed. They do not give up or make excuses. They just keep moving forward. I do think the big difference is they have given themselves a good sound talking to ! And they listened. There is another big secret, listening. Can you hear yourself ? I can and sometimes I just don't like what I hear. What a wise guy ! But, I should listen more closely at times and heed the advice I so freely give. Most of us are like that.

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