Thursday, February 14, 2013


Happy Valentines Day.
How big a deal is St. Valentines day to you and/or your significant other ? There could be a big difference. The wife and I are on the same page with that. We acknowledge the fact that we love one another and that cards and gifts are not that important. They are nice to receive, but not necessary to maintain the relationship.
You could say,we are secure in our affection for one another.
I was talking with my Grandson Mark. He is twelve. I asked him about Valentines. He then explained to me that Valentines were fun for kids to about age ten, but not after that. He then told me Valentines were very important after you got married. After you get married you have to buy Valentines or you will be in trouble. Sounded like a good assessment to me. The boy is learning fast.
Traditions change over the years and St. Valentines day is no exception. In school for example, some classes outright ban the giving of Valentines,while others stipulate you must give to all. When I was in school you just gave to whomever you wanted to. Today I see more advertising for Victoria's Secret than giving a more romantic type gift. 1-800 flowers is popular too. My Mom wanted the Whitman's sampler, the big box. That was Valentines to her. And of course, the cards from us kids.
It is interesting to note that St. Valentine is a Catholic saint. Well I guess all saints are, aren't they ? The interesting part being everyone celebrates St Valentine in the United States,yet we are not all Catholic. By one account this is the day St. Valentine died, on a road headed to Rome. Other accounts have him being killed. Some tie him to a pagan festival. Whatever the truth, today is a day to celebrate love. Romantic love.
Might start a few fights in some households but not in mine. We are beyond that.
Have to run now, need a card,flowers,candy and a romantic song or two. Not that I need any of those things you understand.

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