Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Staying young

I was asked what is the secret to staying young ? My response was," remembering the past while looking forward. You become old when you no longer look to the future." If you have no plans,desires or ambitions left, those are the things that age you,not the passing of time. Remember the lessons of the past be they good or bad, for they are the road map to the future. Young is a state of mind, a freshness. A freshness in thought and in spirit. It isn't looking young or acting young, it is thinking young.
Young people are certain of tomorrow. Tomorrow always holds promise. Something new and exciting. And so it does.That never ends throughout your life, unless you allow it to do so. When young we think of getting " older " and that is good. With age, opportunity exists and doors are opened. We all continue to age but some refuse to acknowledge that. That is a mistake. One should be aware. Adapt and change to your life. Continue to pursue your dreams.
The best part about aging is you can once again do the things you did as a child. I'm not talking about the games you played and that type of thing, I'm talking about being uninhibited. The older you get, the more free you become. Once again being able to speak freely your truths and your mind. You can pursue a hobby and take pride in the accomplishment. To be young in spirit. Remember, just because you may be too old to do one thing, doesn't mean you can't do another. Find something else to amuse yourself with, or find another way of doing it. Those who can't play, coach. Be a life coach to someone. If you say or do anything that might be foolish, blame it on Alzheimer's or having a senior moment. The younger ones will only laugh and nod their heads. In the smugness of youth they will not understand, but they won't judge either.
It is true that as we age we tend to slow down. That is a natural thing and a designed thing as well. We should slow down. Slow down and take the time to enjoy our life,loves and accomplishments. Slowing down is not the same thing as stopping. We only do that once ! The hustle and bustle of youth can leave little time for reflection, but the advance of years can afford you that opportunity. Seize it, relish it and use it.
Remain aware of what is current. Do not close your mind to new possibilities. Try new things. And I have one more theory about aging. I'm thinking it might be better with a lot of money. I don't know about that but am buying a lottery ticket. I'll let you know if the situation changes.

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